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茶皂素在乳油型农药中应用,可以作为增效、著剂,提高农药的施用效果。Tea saponin could be used as synergist spreader in emulsion pesticide.

旧厨房铲或过期的信用卡将工作一吊具罚款。An old kitchen spatula or expired credit card will work fine for a spreader.

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为此,必须加强民间文学艺术传承人的法律保护。So we must strengthen the legal protection of the spreader of folk literature and art.

功率平衡是沥青洒布车设计计算、汽车底盘选型的重要步骤。Power balance calculation is the important procedure for the design of asphalt spreader.

我们已经知道一个萨斯超级传播者可造成100多人染病或者死亡。We already know that a SARS super spreader can cause more than 100 people ill or may die.

定量式玻璃珠散布落珠均匀,自落式玻璃珠散布器可任意调整。Measurable glass bead spreader, ever beads, and adjustable glass bead spreader by gravity.

测试结果表明,该摊铺机噪声指标达到了国家标凖规定的水平。Result of measurement indicates noise of the spreader measure up to the national standard.

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针对抛煤机炉排烟黑度大、排尘浓度高的缺点,本文探讨总结了几种不同的炉内消烟除尘方法。Several methods of reducing fly ash and soot are discussed for spreader stoker boiler in this paper.

这个词最先被黑人社会所运用,就像现在一样,黑人群体仍是各类新鲜词汇的首批传播者。The term was adopted in the black community, then as now a prime spreader of new words and meanings.

介绍了螺旋芯棒机头的工作原理以及影响其性能的因素。Principle of blown film die with spiral spreader and factors affecting its properties are introduced.

水袋容量为20磅。内含耐用的头部支撑带、绳子、水袋和滑轮组。Adjustable height includes head halter spreader bar, traction rope and 20-lb capacity vinyl water bag.

本文由已设计出的13种沥青洒布车用的沥青喷嘴,进行了系统的喷油性能试验。In this paper, a series of spraying tests of 13 types of asphalt nozzles used in spreader is performed.

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把全部散热油膏从注射器中注入到集成式导热器表面的中心。Dispense all of the thermal grease from the syringe to the center of the Integrated Heat Spreader surface.

也许他们已经引领了网络的文化发展趋势,同时他们也是网络文化的扩张者。Perhaps they have led the cultural trend of the network, and they are the spreader of the Internet culture.

玻璃器皿、杯子和碟子放在右手边,而餐巾、面包盘和奶油刮刀则放在左边。Glassware, cup and saucer are placed to your right, while the napkin, bread plate and butter spreader to your left.

使用一个特制的钢托架来安装预制的锚固横梁的钢筋骨架,使其就位于上部结构内预定的位置上。A special steel spreader beam was used to erect the fabricated cage in its proper position in the roadway structure.

对保荐行为监管比一般的证券行为更严格、更广泛。The supervision and management to sponsoring activities is stricter and wide spreader than common securities behavior.

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叠翠轩,顶灯电梯采用相同的签名4点吊具杆系统对我们的其他吊带升降机证实。The Pinnacle Electric Ceiling Lift employs the same signature 4-point spreader bar system found on our other sling lifts.

对摊铺机基层施工中的测量放样及摊铺、碾压操作中的注意事项进行了详细介绍。A detailed introduce was gived that notice of survey setting out, spread, rolling operating when base construction with spreader.

作为文化知识信息的承载者和传播者,文化载体一直以来就是文化发展历程中至关重要的一环。As the carrier and spreader of culture information, culture carrier has been the key factor in the course of culture development.