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我对刺绣产生了兴趣。I'm into the embroidery.

海珠区绣花QQ群?District embroidery QQ group?

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我要买双绣花鞋。I'd like a pair embroidery shoes.

瓯绣是温州的一项传统工艺。Ou Embroidery is a traditional craft.

蜀绣的生产具有悠久的历史。Shu embroidery enjoys a long history.

新时代的标志绣在左太阳穴。New Era logo embroidery at left temple.

要知道,她自己就很喜欢刺绣。She herself was very fond of embroidery.

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将描图纸打洞是刺绣设计的前置步骤。Each embroidery is designed step by step.

粤绣和蜀绣,对吧?Yue embroidery and Shu embroidery, right?

你那漂亮的刺绣进展如何?How is your beautiful embroidery going on?

胸部的绣花和印图很好的体现了优点。AWS embroidery and print motif on the chest.

发绣从打样设计开始。Hair embroidery starts with motif designing.

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这是苏绣的代表作品。It's a typical product of Suzhou embroidery.

属于十字绣中较大的绣品。Belong to cross-stitch into larger embroidery.

我要学就学哈萨克族最有特色的刺绣。I'd rather learn the stylish Kazak embroidery.

湘绣赢得了声望与日俱增。Xiang Embroidery gained popularity day by day.

文明之花绣秀山。The flower of civilization mountain embroidery.

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湘绣以其华丽的颜色而闻名。Xiang Embroidery is famous for its rich colors.

成匹、成条或成小块图案的刺绣品。Embroidery in the piece, in strips or in motifs.

湘绣以绣虎出名。Xiang embroidery is famous with embroider tiger.