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“这是一个良性循环”。It’s a virtuous circle.

我的妻子非常贤惠。My wife is very virtuous.

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女子无才便是德。Stupid girls are virtuous.

所以是个良性循环。So that's a virtuous cycle.

善政的核心是德治。Its core is a virtuous rule.

我认为这是一项高尚的使命。I think that is a virtuous mission.

玛丽是一位贤淑慈祥、守极佳的。Mary was a virtuous high-principled lady.

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她一直想要过一种高洁的生活。She always tried to lead a virtuous life.

安住一切功德法中。Dwelling in all kinds of virtuous Dharmas.

贤德的妇女是她丈夫的冠冕。A Virtuous woman is a crown to her husband.

请你让我获得幸福吧,这样我就会重新变成品德高尚的人。Make me happy, and I shall again be virtuous.

我的母亲是一位贤惠的妻子和好母亲。My mother is a virtuous wife and good mother.

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德纳恍惚了,准备什么?Is the virtuous Na absentminded, arrange what?

有德无才的培养实用。Only the cultivation of virtuous non-functional.

她有一双大大的眼睛,透露着聪慧与贤淑。She has a pair of big eyes, a wise and virtuous.

学校奖赏品德高尚的学生。The school offers a reward to virtuous students.

我有一个贤慧的妻子,但我觉得一无所有。I had a virtuous wife, but I wasn't appreciative.

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因为一个生命总而言之是一条自命清高之道……MAO – Because a life in balance is a virtuous way.

我的叔叔总是骄傲有一位品德高尚的妻子。My uncle is always proud of having a virtuous wife.

这种被多加赞扬的良性循环将被打破。The virtuous circle so much praised would be broken.