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加缝头,剪去多余的白胚布。Add seam allowance and trim away excess muslin.

你身上穿的这件细纱衣裳,就是从波浪里飞出来的浪花。And all this fluff of muslin about you is the froth.

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别用过滤器、薄纱袋、或是其他装置把茶叶禁锢起来。No strainers, muslin bags or other devices to imprison the tea.

而今她穿上了丝绸和细纱裁制的珍贵服饰。She was now arrayed in the most costly garments, all silk and muslin.

用双层平纹细布或干酪包布过滤混合料。Strain the mixture through a double thickness of muslin or cheesecloth.

穆斯林清真商店通常会写字母“786”缅甸的数字。Muslin Halal shops will usually write the letter "786" in Myanmar numeral.

其风格或简朴或繁杂,其用料可以是平纹细布或缎子。The style may be simple or elaborate and the material could be muslin or satin.

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窗帘是棉布,但是用了来自乌兹别克斯坦的扎染布镶边。The curtains are made from cotton muslin edged with a real ikat shipped over from Uzbekistan.

窗户下什么人在唱歌,温斯顿躲在薄纱窗帘的后面偷眼看。Under the window somebody was singing. Winston peeped out, secure in the protection of the muslin curtain.

夹着香气的风从敞开的窗户吹进来,薄纱窗帘时不时轻轻飘动。The muslin curtains flapped softly from time to time in the scented air that came through the open windows.

而由于她穿着一件很松的绸衣,又没有什么东西挡住她的身体,所以我看出她不久就要做母亲了。As she had a loose muslin dress on and as nothing concealed her figure, I saw she would ere LONG. become a mother.

有些设计师喜欢转移后在纸上描实,有些则喜欢直接在布上描实。Some designers prefer to transfer and true up muslin drapes on the dotted paper. Other prefer to true up directly onto muslin.

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旋风是一条长35英寸的穆斯林长筒袜,在尘土飞扬的微型堪萨斯农场和田间旋转。The tornado was a 35-foot-long muslin stocking, spun around among miniatures of a Kansas farm and fields in a dusty atmosphere.

那件淡紫色的条纹细棉面的,配上宽宽的镶边和网缘,倒是十分漂亮,可是这对她的身段很不合适。The lavender barred muslin was beautiful with those wide insets of lace and net about the hem, but it had never suited her type.

19世纪,法国妇女的服饰为头插摇曳的羽毛,戴着珠光宝气的首饰,身穿镶有轻纱花边的衣裙。In the 19th century, French women wore muslin lace frocks and resplendent jewels with swaying decorations of feathers on their heads.

铅笔可以直接在白坯布上画线,而且用过的布还可以重复使用。Muslin can be marked with pencil lines, and the finished muslin pattern, which is the end product of draping, can be used repeatedly.

白胚布准备---除了不在白胚布上画丝缕线外,其他的准备工作和前片一样。A. PREPARATION OF MUSLIN---Prepare the muslin the same way as for the front skirt, but do not draw lengthwise grain lines before draping.

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在写此信时,你的15日的来信已收悉,我买了两套衣服,人们告诉我说这是最漂亮的精纺棉布。P. S. Since writing the above I have received your Letter of the 15th and have got two suits of what I was told was the prettiest Muslin.

一缕金黄色的阳光透过平纹薄棉布窗帘,斜射在桌子上。桌上的墨水瓶旁边有一盒半打开的火柴。A yellow beam of sunlight, filtering through the muslin curtains, slanted on to the table, where a matchbox, half open, lay beside the inkpot.

一道黄色的阳光穿过平纹窗帘,斜照在桌子上,那儿有个半开的火柴盒,躺在墨水瓶旁。A yellow beam of sunlight, filtering through the muslin curtains, slanted on to the table, where a match-box, half-open, lay beside the inkpot.