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现时你有几张有效的信用卡?。How many valid and unexpired credit cards do you have now?

与现任雇主的合同或服务期协议是否到期?Do you have any unexpired contract or service agreement with your present employer?

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现时你有效的信用卡的总信用额是多少?。What is the credit limit in total of your currently valid and unexpired credit cards?

Twitter将会为你找到还可到期的域名优惠码以及成千上万的其它产品。Twitter will help you find unexpired coupons for domain names as well as thousands of other products.

基于本章节10.4中的任何委派仅仅适合未到期的空缺职位的一部分。Any appointment under this Section 10.4 shall be only for the unexpired portion of the vacancy position.

违反监管规定的犯人,可能会被召回继续服刑,直至监管期余下部分届满为止。Prisoners breaching the supervision conditions may be recalled to serve the balance of their unexpired supervision period.

未到期责任准备金,是指保险人为尚未终止的非寿险保险责任提取的准备金。The term "unearned premium reserves" refers to the reserves made by an insurer for unexpired non-life insurance liabilities.

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未到期责任准备金,是指保险人为尚未终止的非寿险保险责任提取的准备金。The term "unearned premium reserves" refers to the reserves drawn by an insurer for unexpired non-life insurance liabilities.

寿险责任准备金,是指保险人为尚未终止的人寿保险责任提取的准备金。The term "reserves for life insurance liabilities" refers to the reserves made by an insurer for unexpired life insurance liabilities.

保证期内的维修或更换部件仅涉及供应品最初保证期的未到期部分。In-warranty repairs or replacements parts are warranted only for the unexpired portion of the original Warranty Period of the Supplies.

寿险责任准备金,是指保险人为尚未终止的人寿保险责任提取的准备金。The term "reserves for life insurance liabilities" refers to the reserves drawn by an insurer for unexpired life insurance liabilities.

1949年他当选为纽约的美国参议员,履行任期未满的参议员罗伯特·费迪南德·瓦格纳的职务,1950年重新当选,任期六年。In 1949 he was elected United States Senator from New York to fill the unexpired term of Senator Robert F. Wagner, and in 1950 was re-elected for a full six-year term.

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合同解除后,保险人应当将自合同解除之日起至保险期间届满之日止的保险费退还被保险人。Upon termination of the contract, the insurer shall refund the unexpired premium to the insured calculated from the day of the termination of the contract to the day of its expiration.

本保险单终止后,本公司将按日比例退还被保险人本保险单项下未到期部分的保险费。Upon termination of the contract, the insurer shall refund the unexpired premium to the insured calculated from the day of the termination of the contract to the day of its expiration.

因为保险公司在退保时将按照未到期责任年限的保费全额退还给客户,但支付给银行的手续费和回扣却无法追回。Because insurance companies in the unexpired portion will be under the responsibility of the premium service to clients in full refund, but the fees and commission paid to the bank is not recovered.