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他拥有自己的农场。He owned his own ranch.

他拥有一个足以自豪的农场。He boasted a fine ranch.

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他们去一个大牧场工作。They went work on a ranch.

他们在饲养场饲养长角牛。They breed longhorns on the ranch.

农场的人干活永远不上心。Ranch stiffs never did much of a job.

汤姆在加州有一个大畜牧场。Tom has a cattle ranch in California.

马托格罗索州一间牛场的牧童。A vaquero cattle ranch in Mato Grosso.

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澳洲芝士薯条加色拉酱Aussie Cheese Fries with ranch dressing.

马托格罗索州一间牛场的牧童。A vaquero on a cattle ranch in Mato Grosso.

要拥有一座养马场需要很多钱。Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money.

苗圃里花草长得更盛了。The flowers of the seed ranch grew still more.

看啊,妈咪从大华99买什么好东东了?Look here, what Mommy got from 99 Ranch Market.

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大牧场夏天收费为度假者提供膳宿。The ranch boards vacationers during the summer.

她家在一个大农场上有一所壮观的宅第。Her family owned a grand house on a giant ranch.

我们有弗兰奇.意大利.蓝纹乳酪.还有蓝奇酱.We have French, Italian, blue cheese, and ranch.

他把他在蒙大拿州的大牧场留给了他未婚妹妹。He left his Montana ranch to his spinster sister.

他把他在蒙大拿州的大牧场留给了他未婚的妹妹。He left his Montana ranch to his spinster sister.

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一个德克萨斯人向一个阿肯色人吹嘘他的农场。Texan was boasting to an Arkansan about his ranch.

如果天气好的话,我们将在农场举行烤肉野餐。If the weather's fine, we'll barbecue in the ranch.

把你的沙拉酱换成醋和油吧。Swap your ranch salad dressing for oil and vinegar.