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针对这些政策,新的趋势出现在俄罗斯犹太人。In response to these policies, new trends appeared in Russian Jewry.

首先考察了20世纪70年代初期及以前的苏联犹太人移民动机。The motivation of Soviet jewry living before 20 century 70 s is firstly reviewed.

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在这个新结构中,犹太人的地位被降低到埃及人的程度。In the new social construction, Jewry 's status was degraded to that of Egyptians.

今天,它是用来作为一个集体的名字,为所有犹太人,并自1948年以来对这个犹太国家。Today it is used as a collective name for all Jewry and since 1948 for the Jewish state.

与以色列对法国和英国犹太人的吸引力形成对照的是其同德国和俄国的关系。Contrast Israel's gravitational pull on French and British Jewry with its relationship to Germany and Russia.

考虑到以色列建国的宗旨是把以色列建设为全世界犹太人的家,他们相信两个民族的国家是不可能实现的。A binational state, they believe, is a non-starter, given Israel's raison d’être as the homeland for world Jewry.

一个时期的重大学术成果之后,和领导的世界犹太人交给巴比伦学校。A period of great scholarly accomplishment followed, and leadership of world Jewry passed to the Babylonian schools.

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20世纪犹太人的经历包含了纳粹把大部分欧洲犹太人加以消灭或对他们进行“大屠杀”。Jewish experiences in the 20th century have included the Nazi extermination or "holocaust" of most of European Jewry.

犹太民族的“贱民”身份以及因自我封闭而导致的极端孤立的现实处境,又进一步强化了卡夫卡内心的自卑意识。The reality of the extreme isolation due to "ragtag status" of Jewry and self obturation reinforced his inward self abasement.

宣言的意义很明白,世界的犹太人、欧洲战壕里、俄罗斯的被迫害的犹太人都是如此理解它。The meaning is clear and the jewry of the world, in the trench es of Europe, in the pogrom-swept area of Russia, saw it like that.

一夜之间,原本仅为激进学生和被隔离的政治活动家们所关注的苏联犹太人问题,变成了一场声势浩大的运动。Overnight, the small cause of Soviet Jewry — until then supported only by impassioned students and isolated activists — became a mass movement.

为了梵蒂冈的颜面,教皇请来了罗马的犹太教领导并表示二战时期纳粹试图扫平欧洲,他们杀害犹太人就是反对上帝的行为。To try to repair the damage the pope hosted Jewish leaders in Rome and said the Nazis' attempt to wipe out European Jewry was a "crime against God".

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凭借羊皮纸上的一个指甲印,它可以认出犹大本土的犹太族和移居的犹太族之间的区别。By the imprint of a finger-nail on a piece of parchment, it recognizes the difference which separates the Jewry of the Judengasse from the Jewry of the Ghetto.

巴勒斯坦问题是中东问题的核心,阿犹两族历经长期的冲突才开启和平进程。The Palestinian question has been the core of Middle East problem. Arab and Jewry have gone through repeatedly long-term conflict only then to open the peace process.

Browning先生的书记载了德国后备警察军队的作用,这对在一年内为根除波兰犹太人提供人力有所帮助。Mr. Browning’s book chronicled the role of the German Reserve Police Battalion 101, which helped provide the manpower for the elimination of most Polish Jewry within a year.

“那是一个很小的镇子,到处都是枣椰树”,在巴比伦犹太遗产中心举办的一次采访上,耶胡达如是说,那时他还是遗产调查小组的组长。“It was a very small place, and filled with date palms, ” he said in an interview at the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center in Or Yehuda, Israel, where he is the research director.