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我再次重申我希望能够留在那不勒斯。I reiterate that my wish is to remain at Napoli.

业绩符合预期,基本面仍然强劲,重申买入。In-line results, fundaments still strong, reiterate Buy.

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简短的说说你有什么证书,但是不要重述简历上的内容。Summarize your credentials, but don't reiterate your resume.

我想重申一下,我们欢迎所有乘客使用我们的运输系统。I want to reiterate that we welcome all riders on our system.

请允许敝公司重申对此问题的诚摰歉意。Let me reiterate our sincere regret regarding these problems.

董事调任显示管理团队团结一致。维持买入。Director re-designation showed unity in mgmt team. Reiterate Buy.

我们重申这种合作是包容的、非对抗性的。We reiterate that such cooperation is inclusive and non-confrontational.

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我想重申一下,我对金融界的看法与他们截然不同。I want to reiterate again that that's not the way I view the field at all.

有时老师只是在东扯西拉,有时只是在重复你已经知道的东西。Sometimes teachers babble. Sometimes they reiterate what you already know.

在结束我的讲话时,我想重申我在开头时所传达的信息。To conclude my remarks, let me reiterate the message I began this speech with.

然后我会用这个猜想,继续迭代计算下去。And then I would reiterate this process using that as guess i, and do it again.

我愿意重申,中国的开放事业将会不断向前推进。I would like to reiterate that China's opening-up will be continuously pressing ahead.

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我要再重申一遍,我们现在空前团结并且在向一个方向努力。I reiterate that the group is more united than ever and we're all pulling in the same direction.

宣言中说,我们重申,这样的合作是兼容并没有对抗的。"We reiterate that such cooperation is inclusive and non-confrontational, " the declaration said.

在面试结束后,向面试官表达感谢,并重申你对这个职位的兴趣。End the interview with a thank you to the interviewer and reiterate your interest in the position.

看到书评区有人在吐槽为毛不推那些女女。See writing reiterate district something at vomit the slot as cilia don't move those female female.

传统的援助国将适时重申增加援助的承诺,这已成为每年的仪式。In what has become an annual ritual, traditional donors will duly reiterate pledges to increase aid.

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“漫无目地的生活就像出海航行而没有指北针一样”这句谚语我们再怎么重申也不为过。One cannot reiterate too often the proverb, "Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass."

之所以这样说,我只是想再次表明,我们对于整个这件事一向是敢作敢为的。Having said that, I want to just reiterate that we've been very aggressive in looking at this whole issue.

医生对他复明的希望做出了肯定,但是我还要说这是很渺茫的。The signs of vision are there and the doctors have confirmed this but I must reiterate it is very minimal.