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那次事故使他跛足了。The accident lamed him.

曾几何时,希望的迷失折断了梦想的翅膀。Whose wings loss of hope had lamed.

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一粒子弹让这个士兵一生跛足。A bullet lamed the soldier for life.

老妇人说她年纪大了,不中用了。The old lady said she was lamed by age.

生产效率受到破旧机器的影响而无法提高。The production efficiency is lamed by the old machines.

将世上所有的俘虏,都践踏在脚下。Lamed. To crush under his feet all the prisoners of the land.

瘸腿新郎碰了碰瞎眼的新娘,以引起她的注意。The lamed bridegroom touched the blind bride on the arm to get her attention.

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可是,我亲爱的,这孩子在戴孝——当然是啦——她也许一辈子都残废啦!And yet, my dear, the child is in mourning--surely it is--and she may be lamed for life!

由于那次事故,他身体严重残疾,从此只能在棍棒的帮助下行走。He was badly lamed by the accident and afterwards could only walk with the help of a stick.

Lamed一个坏腿,梅尔维尔成为脱离他的同伴,并花了一个月仅在该公司的本地人。Lamed with a bad leg, Melville became separated from his companion and spent a month alone in the company of the natives.

当莎拉降临谢尔戈时,她以神话时代的战争中出现的强力化身的样子接近鄂加斯。When Sarah descended into Sheogh, she approached Urgash, in the form of a powerful Avatar that was lamed during the Mythic Age wars.