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但你能做到这一点的平均防毒亲???But can you do it for AVG antivirus pro???

的平均防病毒是免费的,而且易于使用。The AVG Anti Virus is free and easy to use.

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我曾尝试更新我的平均,但它没有工作。I tried to update my avg but it not working.

爵士平均每场106分,但是今天他们只拿到69分!The Jazz avg 106 pts a gam and they scored 69 !

在城市里,平均速度也就10-20公里每小时!Avg speeds in city is between 10 and 20 km ph! !

我想免费防毒平均为个人电脑。I want a free avg antivirus for personal computer.

这不会让我感到吃惊,如果墨西哥的平均智商高于90。It won?t surprise me if the avg IQ in mexicois higher than 90.

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开放的平均和如果您尚未进入控制中心。Open AVG and if you're not already go into the Control Center.

不过,这样做将使平均图标在系统托盘有一个红色的叹号它。However, doing so will make AVG icon in system tray to have a red exclamation mark on it.

能够看到的指标包括页面浏览量、唯一身份浏览量、页面平均停留时间和跳出率。You can see metrics such as pageviews, unique pageviews, avg. time on page and bounce rate.

您要创建一个文件夹,在您的桌面上,下载并保存。斌文件,并点平均到这个资料夹。You want to create a folder on your desktop, download and save the . bin files into it and point AVG to this folder.

在珍珠港事件之前,他就秘密的成立了飞虎队前往中国,但是这是一个私人的雇佣兵集团。He did quietly work behind the scenes to fundChennault's AVG expedition to China as a private mercenary group well beforePearl Habor.

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美国普通大学生每年产生320磅纸张垃圾,数据显示年轻一代在大学里的废物产量正在飙升。Avg. American college student produce 320 pounds of paper waste each year, and study shows significant spike in university solid waste.

随着成功地发现约翰·爱德瓦·布莱克本III的尸体,他被埋葬在昆明机场处。With the successful recovery of his body, John Edward Blackburn, III was buried with full military honors by the AVG at the Kunming airfield.

作为一个平均测试计划的参与者您有机会来影响创建过程中的安全软件,是利用数以百万计的世界各地的用户。As an AVG Beta Program participant you have an opportunity to influence the creation process for security software that is utilized by millions of users all over the world.

飞虎队王牌飞行员约翰·“迪克”罗西和美中航空历史遗产基金会执行董事杰夫·格林在芷江飞虎队陈列馆的开馆仪式上穿上了丝绸唐装。Veteran AVG fighter Ace John "Dick" Rossi and SAAHF Director Jeff Greene are presented with ceremonial silk jackets at the opening ceremonies of the Flying Tiger Museum at Zhi Jiang.