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可能这是我第一百次,想要像爱因斯坦一样思考。For perhaps the hundredth time, I try to think like Einstein.

圣达菲正准备庆祝它立市四百周年。Santa Fe is preparing to celebrate its four hundredth anniversary.

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这足以让一片没有散热设备的芯片在百分之一秒内被烧毁。That would destroy an uncooled chip within a hundredth of a second.

九十九次,我的结论是错误的,第一百次我对了。Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right.

迄今,实际速度只能达到理论预计值的百分之一。Until now, this has been a hundredth of the velocity that theory predicted.

今年是美国作家爱德加.爱伦.波诞辰200周年。This year is the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of writer Edgar Allan Poe.

如果你是游短距离冲刺自由泳的,那么你一定清楚大多数比赛都是在百分之几秒间分出胜负的。If you are a sprint freestyler, you know that most races are won by hundredth of a second.

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是很奇怪的东西,但是还没有旁观者所觉得的可悲的百分之一。It is all very strange, but not more hundredth part so sad as it seems to the standers-by.

当晚,我们设宴庆祝白宫落成200周年纪念。That night, we had a dinner to celebrate the two hundredth anniversary of the White House.

在一个小时不到的时间里,阿纳金不断地来回踱步,近百次地检查体温计。Anakin paced and checked the chrono for what seemed to be the hundredth time in less than an hour.

新船闸就于2014年,即巴拿马运河开通100周年时启用。The new locks are set to open in twenty fourteen, the one hundredth anniversary of the Panama Canal.

对现场寻获的骨骼进行测量表明,这一新发现物种的体型是霸王龙的百分之一。Measurements of bones recovered from the site reveal that the new species was one hundredth the size of T-rex.

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记住,对你而言这可能是第一百次听到这些信息,但是对你的观众来说这是全新的。Consistency counts. Remember, it may be the hundredth time you’ve heard it, but it is all new to your audience.

这个系统能在许多种类的材料上印刷比一毫米的一百分之一还要小的东西。The system can print electronic features smaller than a hundredth of a millimetre wide from a variety of materials.

你或许知道即使没有我的第一百次提及,每个人也不会忘记需要自我时间。You probably know that even without me mentioning it for the hundredth time – everybody needs to have some “me” time.

在本周的节目中,我们要纪念亚伯拉罕.林肯总统,本周四是他二百岁的诞辰日。This week on our program, we remember President Abraham Lincoln. This Thursday is the two hundredth anniversary of his birth.

我们以上所说的不过是一小部分,但是,我们的竞争对手,要比我们多耗费100分。We are talking about incredible small amout but that was more than one hundredth of the penny that our competitors would pay.

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他们是在最后一场常规赛中争夺全国冠军,这种大学橄榄球赛已经举办了整整一百年了。They were playing for the national championship in the last regular-season game of the one hundredth year of college football.

徐说,女足相比就非常低调,可能是因为她们的收入只有男足的百分之一。Women players in China are far more grounded, Xu said, perhaps because their salaries are just a hundredth or less of the men's.

如果我丧失了对生活的鉴赏力,那我的照片也会随之黯淡。因为摄影就是去深刻地品味人生,品味每个百分之一秒的瞬间。If my taste for living fades, my photos pale, because taking pictures is savouring life intensively, every hundredth of a second.