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我想扎辫子,不要马尾辫。I want pigtails, not a ponytail.

伊莎贝尔穿着一件毛衣、头发扎成了一根辫子。The wig is tied in a ponytail in the back.

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在马尾辫末尾变成躬行。There is a bow at the end of the ponytail.

试试扎个马尾辫或头巾会比较好。You can rather try ponytail or a headband.

长到能够扎起来回摇摆的马尾辫。Long enough for a ponytail with swing to it.

你要绑成马尾?还是辫子?Do you want it tied I a ponytail or pigtails?

我有些不自在地用手摸了摸自己的马尾巴。Self-consciously I ran a hand over my ponytail.

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她长长的秀发在脑后梳成一个马尾。Her long, fine hair was swept back in a ponytail.

塔拉37岁,金色马尾辫,大大的蓝眼睛。Tara, 37, has a blond ponytail and huge blue eyes.

她头发中分,脑后扎了一个马尾巴。Her hair is parted in the middle and tied in a ponytail.

夏天时她喜欢将头发绑成马尾。She likes to wear her hair in ponytail during the summer.

安娜贝利在整理头发的时候呜咽着说,她把头发束成了马尾辫。Annabel whimpered as she fixed her hair, putting it up in a ponytail.

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梅金说着就把自己的头发梳成了马尾辫,“发生了什么事?”Megan said, her beach blonde hair in a ponytail. “So what’s happening?”

然后把剩余的头发和小辫子梳在一起,梳成高高的马尾辫。Then gather up the remaining hair and brush it back into a high ponytail.

休息时间结束后,我抹抹脸,然后把头发重新扎起马尾辫。When my time is over, I mop up my face and reassemble my hair into a ponytail.

她的眉宇显得严厉,站得笔直,闪着光泽的黑发梳成一条马尾。She had severe eyebrows, an erect bearing, and shiny black hair combed into a ponytail.

一个扎着马尾的黑头发女人走出来,脸型像极了爱狄,只不过线条更硬朗些。A woman with dark hair pulled back in a ponytail comes out. Her face is pretty like Adie's, only sharper.

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没有什么比一个严肃、敏感的梳着马尾的男人,或是一个不会讽刺或嘲弄的姑娘更糟糕的了。There’s nothing worse than a serious, sensitive ponytail guy or gal with no sense of irony or the absurd.

“如果你不做生意,你就会饿死,”那位曾当过教师的朝鲜妇女说。51岁的她长着一张圆脸,留一条马尾辫。"If you don't trade, you die, " said the former teacher, a round-faced 51-year-old woman with a ponytail.

她按我的意见宣读了判决,当时,从她的假发下隐约露出的马尾辫轻轻颤动。She directed my verdict with an elegant little shake of the ponytail that peeped out from beneath her wig.