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我们能在你这儿躲躲吗?Can we hide here?

藏风吹之。Hide wind to blow.

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在当中把杀机深藏。For murder to hide.

让我们来玩藏彩蛋。Let's hide the egg.

没必要把它藏起来。No need to hide it.

你打算怎么躲藏起来?How do you hide out?

幼鱼藏在植物。Young hide in vegetation.

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我的靴子是皮革制的。My boots are made of hide.

这片森林还藏不住它!The forest cannot hide it!

没有可躲藏之处。There was nowhere to hide.

狐狸尾巴是藏不住的。A fox cannot hide its tail.

我没有什么好隐瞒的。I have got nothing to hide.

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他们要狠揍你一顿。They will lather your hide.

独特的镜盒内置喇叭。Unique speaker hide in box.

我们都有需要隐藏的东西。We all have things to hide.

我们从不躲在历史之中。We never hide from history.

其实,我并没有多少东西好隐藏。I did not have much to hide.

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模拟铁器时代穴居生活的洞穴。To inhabit or hide in a den.

居然是一堵墙把海给藏起来了。A wall can hide the sea away.

层层迷雾遮蔽了重重峰峦。Fogs hide the mountain peaks.