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你在那儿做什么?。What tare you doing there?

你打算在那做什么?What tare you doing there?

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贝蒂和托尼打算做什么?。What tare Betty and Tony going to do?

你的优点和缺点各是什么?What tare your strengths and weaknesses?

液体渗透到莠草根部的硬核。The liquid permeates the hard core of the tare root.

我们谈到了关于麦子和稗子的比喻。And we talked about the parable of the wheat and the tare.

正确的眼部护理计划对雇主有哪些好处?。What tare the advantages ofright vision care plan for the employers?

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“拉齐奥具备像尤文和米兰双雄一样的实力。”塔雷说道。"Lazio has everything to become like Juventus and Milan, " said Tare.

这个周末你打算做什么?---我打算打扫一下房间。What tare you going to do this weekend?---I am going to clean my room.

美国人不去亚洲商店的原因是什么?。What tare the reasons for the unreachability ofAsian groceries to Americans?

社交场合的仪容要求是什么?What tare the requirements for appearance in social communication occasions?

毛重是指商品本身的重量加上皮重,也就是净重和皮重的总重量。Gross weight is the sum of total weight of the commodity itself and the tare.

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趴地熊,我的最爱!这些黏纸是一套的。不容易收集哦。Tare panda, my favourite! These stickers are in one set. Not easy to collect.

我们已按你方要求在箱上注明毛重、皮重及净重。As per your request, we have marked the cases with gross, tare and net weights.

有很多关于小因扎吉跟塔雷的报价,但是现在他们不会走。There's plenty of offers for Simone Inzaghi and Igli Tare , but for now they won't move.

测定或标出…的皮重,尤指为了算出此重而去称…的重量。To determine or indicate the tare of, especially to weigh in order to find out the tare.

如果有一天你们厌倦了城市的生活,我们随时欢迎你们来这里长住。If one day you tare weary of the city life, we welcome you to come here as necessary to live lonely.

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我能接受拒绝吗?最后过了十分钟,我忍受着恐惧开始打开那封信。Can I handle rejection?finally about ten minutes pass, I swallow my fear and start to tare open the letter.

新型HAUNI电子皮带秤缺少皮带自动张紧结构,在运行时会产生皮重漂移问题,文章介绍了一种解决电子皮带秤皮重漂移的新方法。Lacking in automatic belt tensioning structure, the new HAUNI belt weigher has a problem of tare drift in the run-time.

1990年9月,以“新现代派”为主题,第二届建筑论坛年会在伦敦的泰特画廊举行。The Second Annual Architecture Forum held at London's Tare Gallery in Sept. 1990, taking'The New Moderns' as its theme.