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这个速度计有毛病。The speedometer is faulty.

嗯,速度计磨损了。Well, the speedometer is worn out.

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速度计接近120英里每小时。The speedometer was touching 120 mph.

速度计指示着每小时95英里。The speedometer was indicating 95 mph.

速度表达到100英里每时,她开始“表演”脱衣。When the speedometer hits 100 she starts to strip.

这时测速仪上显示出来的读数是每小时10英里。The speedometer shows a reading of 10 miles per hour.

行驶时时速计上的读数。A speedometer reading for the momentary rate of travel.

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用来测定速度的仪器是速度计。The instrument that measures the speed is a speedometer.

速度表能帮我测出每天行走的旅程。A speedometer will help me to measure the daily distance.

道路车辆。速度指示器。快速安装型活动插头。Road vehicles. Speedometer. Quick setting power take-off.

“你难道从来没有看你的速度表吗”警官批评我。"Don't you ever look at the speedometer?"the officer scolded.

“你有没有看一下速度计?”警官冷冷的问。"Don't you ever look at the speedometer?" the officer scolded.

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里程表离了速度表就像刀离了叉一样。An odometer without a speedometer is like a fork without a knife.

他用粗粗的手指点着里程计旁边一个紫色按钮。He pointed a thick finger at a purple button near the speedometer.

我撑住仪表板去稳住自己,同时我看到速度表在窜升。I grabbed the dashboard to brace myself and I watched the speedometer climb.

汽车仪表盘上只有一个车速计及油量和里程表。The dashboard has just a speedometer and two simple gauges for fuel and mileage.

秒表,计程器一种显示度量的仪器,例如。Any of various devices that indicate measurement, such as a speedometer or a taximeter.

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提出用改装后的机械式叶轮风速表作为传感器。It is suggested to use the refitted speedometer with mechanical impeller as the sensor.

我们特制的测速仪显示这两列火车的相对速度是每小时20英里。Our special speedometer shows that the relative speed between the two trains is 20 mph.

对地面运动体,输入速度通常由测速计的驱动系统来供给。On a land vehicle the speed input is usually obtained from the speedometer drive system.