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很少有作家对预测将来感兴趣。Few writers care to prefigure the future.

这些早期绘画清楚的显现出他后期作品的精神。These early paintings clearly prefigure his Later work.

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这次访问可能预示两国关系的改进。This visit may prefigure an improvement in relations between the two countries.

最后总结全文的内容,并对下一步的工作做出合理预见。At last, we summarize the whole paper, and prefigure our future works logically.

金属的价格走势普遍被认为可以预示世界经济形势的变化。The metal's price movements are widely believed to prefigure shifts in the world economy.

他的许多短篇成为当代流行的科幻小说、恐怖小说和幻想小说的前身。Many of his stories prefigure the genres of science fiction, horror, and fantasy so popular today.

这些角色中的每一位多少,都预示了优于,随后出现在对话中角色的本性。Each of these figures, in many ways, prefigure the relatively superior natures of those who come later in the dialogue.

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这些角色中的每一位多少,都预示了优于,随后出现在对话中角色的本性。Each of these figures, in many ways, prefigure the relatively superior natures of those who come later in the dialogue.

积极侵害债权的出现和缔约过失责任范围的扩大则预示了传统进路体系上的断裂和缺陷。Positive breach of contract and culpa in contrahendo prefigure systematic breaches and defects in the traditional approach.

但在FSA的规则下,流动性和资本被囤积在一国之内,不再跨国界流动,以此作为应对最坏情形的保险机制。The FSA rules may prefigure a world where large pools of liquidity and capital remain trapped within borders as insurance against the worst.

他把古典主义与浪漫主义色彩完美结合,赋予艺术歌曲超凡脱俗的感染力和生命力,对德奥艺术歌曲乃至世界艺术歌曲的发展起到了推动的作用。His opera prefigure coming of romanticism in artistic song writing. Mozart let classicism and romanticism have a perfect integrating and endow with artistic song strong infection and life.