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即使是一些人所花费的努力Even the effort that some people expend

但许多人不会去付出这种额外的努力。But many do not expend the extra effort.

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每耗一千卡,饮一升水。Drink 1 liter per 1000 calories you expend.

看起来我们可以扩大与贵方的贸易往来。It looks like we can expend our business with you.

不要把你的精力全花在这无益的工作上。Don't expend all your energy on such a useless job.

浪费时间是指不加考虑、漫不经心地消耗时间。To waste time is to expend it thoughtlessly or carelessly.

培育实务操作与问题解决之能力。Be able to expend the capacity of practical problems-solving.

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柯比先生可能得再花一年的时间才能写完他的书。Mr Kirby may have to expend a further year in completing his book.

我们会胖,因为我们消费了太多的热量,但消耗的太少。We are fat because we consume too many caloriesand expend too few.

你怎么可以用父母的钱来满足自己的虚荣呢?How can you expend your parents' money to fulfill your vainglory ?!

在本例中,主管部门作出资金消费决策。In this case, the executive branch makes a decision to expend funds.

他们不想再费精力了,对他们而言,那是注意定要失败的。They do not want to expend energy in what, to them, is a lost cause.

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昨夜要找出神物,耗费太多精力。Want to find out supernatural being last night, expend too many energies.

Loria说,那是基础生理学的,摄入少点热量,不要摄入比你消耗的多!"It's basic physiology," Loria says. "Eat fewer calories than you expend.

为了制造和维持这种增长,人们必须要消耗巨大的能量。To produce and sustain this growth, they must expend vast amounts of energy.

如果你有5个疲劳点数,你可以花费他们并获得1点清醒点数。If you have 5 Fatigue points, you can expend them and gain 1 point of Lucidity.

可逆过程降温更多,因为输出的能量更多。The reversible process is going to be colder because it has to expend more energy.

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经常散步,可以增加提供给你的肌肉消耗的能量总量。By walking regularly, you’ll increase the amount of energy your muscles can expend.

2002年,五星电器正式踏上连锁扩张之路,密集布点江苏。In 2002 Five Star began to expend and opened many stores all over Jiangsu Province.

灵能游荡者可以耗费他的灵能聚焦以一个移动动作使用这项能力。The psychic rogue can expend his psionic focus to use this ability as a move action.