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他住在一个小客栈。He lived in an inn.

我曾居住过的地点。Where I lived before.

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因为我已经置身其中。Because I've lived it.

他一生过得庸庸碌碌。He lived a futile life.

他在这儿充军。He lived there in exile.

我问她住在哪里。I asked where she lived.

柏拉图很长寿。Plato lived a long time.

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我生活在约旦河西岸。I lived in the West Bank.

他曾经在上海住过。He once lived in Shanghai.

当时他依旧住在那里。He still lived there then.

她也住在同一座宿舍楼。She lived in my dorm also.

自己们与动物生活寓居。We lived with animal life.

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达尔文活到了1882年。Darwin lived on until 1882.

女王母亲的寿命长达101岁。Her mother lived to be 101.

北京猿人住在洞里。Peking Man lived in a cave.

她居住在西弗吉尼亚。She lived in West Virginia.

他们过着极端清苦的生活。They lived an austere life.

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他们同甘苦共患难。They lived in weal and woe.

三条鱼住在一个池塘。Three fish lived in a pond.

老虎就住在丛林里面。Tigers lived in the jungle.