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左派持不同政见者已经遭到削弱和排挤。Left-wing dissidents have been emasculated and marginalised.

凡外肾受伤的,或被阉割的,不可入耶和华的会。No one who has been emasculated by crushing or cutting may enter the assembly of the LORD.

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它不推行民主,反而主张美国的占领和和平主义的宪法是对日本的阉割。Far from promoting democracy, it insists that the American occupation and the pacifist Constitution emasculated Japan.

各种税费名目繁多,份额过重,使这类商品房的可流通性几乎被阉割了。Various taxes and fees shops, excessive share for the negotiability of such commercial housing almost being emasculated.

这一点是显而易见的,它那六英尺高的背鳍塔拉着--它被阉割了。That much was clear from the way the whale's huge six foot dorsal fin had flopped over—a detumescent symbol of its emasculated state.

实验表明,在切除垂体的去势大鼠,乳腺完全缺乏对孕酮的反应。The experiment makes clear, in the emasculated bandicoot that excises hypophysis, mammary gland lacks the reaction to progesterone completely.

许多文章谴责辛巴威政府漠视人权的行径,连篇社论也对辛巴威「被阉割」的司法体系提出警告,就连漫画也是在消遣总统穆加比。Articles chide Zimbabwe's human rights record, and editorials warn of the dangers of an " emasculated " judiciary. Cartoons mock President Robert Mugabe.

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他的思想已被阉割,他的生命已被掏空,他的追求十分现实,他的世界只有自己一人。His thought has already been emasculated and his life has been emptied. The things he pursues are all very practical, and his world only contains himself.

最终,欧元区的人们是否愿意减少本国议会的权力,执行可能导致国家陷入衰退的紧缩计划呢?Will the eurozone's population ultimately be reconciled to emasculated national parliaments enacting austerity programmes that may take their countries back into recession?

在他的主政下,军事力量被削弱,以致于当利比亚爆发战争时,皇家海军竟然不能派遣一艘轮休战船在英国海岸巡视。The military clout at his disposal is so emasculated that, during the recent conflict in Libya, the Royal Navy could not muster one spare warship to patrol the coastline of Britain.

其实,“玩世主义”、“政治波普”、“艳俗艺术”,这些“中国现代艺术”的“早产儿”自诞生之日就携带着母体的病因,它是“中国阉割文化”残延的一个必然产物。In fact, "cynicism", "politics pop" and "vulgar art", the "premature" carries the germ of its mother from birth, and it's the inevitable result of elongating "Chinese emasculated culture".

即便参院通过一项重大振兴经济法案,很有可能原始方案的重要内容,尤其是对州政府和地方政府的援助将被阉割。Even if a major stimulus bill does pass the Senate, there's a real risk that important parts of the original plan, especially aid to state and local governments, will have been emasculated.