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他是最好的服装师。He is the best dresser.

梳妆盒可以靠墙放。The dresser could go against wall.

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谢莉妲由化妆台拿出手表。Cerita took the watch out of her dresser.

把梳妆台涂成银色也是她主动要求的。She also asked that her dresser be silver.

梳妆囼丄冇凣嗰书啝①支钢笔。There are some books and a pen on the dresser.

任由梳妆台的尘铺满,日上帘钩。Allow the dresser dust bespread, day shade hook.

我们需要在卧室里有一张床和一个梳妆台。We’ve got to get a bed and dresser for the bedroom.

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而且,不要把洗液和乳霜摆在外面的你的梳妆台上。Also, don't display lotions and creams on your dresser.

我们必须在卧室放一张床和一个梳装台。We have get to get a bed and a dresser for the bedroom.

她颤巍巍地由床边挪到梳妆台前。She pulled herself unsteadily from the bed to the dresser.

谢莉妲拿下手表,而且整齐地把它放在化妆台里面。Cerita took off the watch and put it neatly in her dresser.

自带一体化梳妆台的时尚床,有大量的储存空间。Modern bed with integrated dresser has plenty of storage space.

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她走到梳妆台前,划了根火柴,点亮了煤气灯。She went over to the dresser and struck a match, lighting the gas.

红色的皮质脚垫,梳妆台是40年代的风格。Gules coriaceous foot is filled up, dresser is the style of 40 time.

具备化妆功能的梳妆台,特别设计了隐藏式梳妆镜和化妆品收藏区。A new vanity dresser has a concealed Mirror and cosmetic storage area.

卧室很小,但是有一个大衣柜和一个全尺寸的梳妆台。The bedroom is small, but has a large closet and a full-sized dresser.

碻“特雷莎,告诉他们我所有的电话都别挂。”她吩咐她的服装师。Tell them to hold all my calls, Theresa, " she instructed her dresser."

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你需要去发廊,我可以介绍我的发型设计师给你。You need to go to a hair salon. I can introduce my hair dresser to you.

当我四岁时,我把父母的胡桃木梳妆台上咬上牙印。When I was 4 years old, I sank my teeth into my parents' walnut dresser.

他们跟着我来到房间,把西瓜放在挂衣架下。They followed me to the room and put the watermelons down by the dresser.