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能见度怎样?How is visibility?

提高可见度。Increase your visibility.

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能见度几乎为零。Visibility was practically zero.

总体可视度大大提高。Global visibility is greatly improved.

跨领域界限无可见性。No visibility across domain boundaries.

给你爱的人一份课件的礼物吧。Give your loved one the gift of visibility.

轻低能见度的反光元素。Reflective elements for low-light visibility.

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该关键字表示属性的可见度。This keyword denotes a property's visibility.

那么假如你根本在网上还没有什么能见度呢?And what if you don’t have any visibility yet?

结核病仍需要更高的可见度和更多关注。TB still needs better visibility and attention.

我们必须加强宣传,提高可见度。We must raise visibility for stronger advocacy.

仪表化是实现可见性的第一步。Instrumentation is the first part of visibility.

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有些陶艺家因此会得到更好的能见度。Some ceramists would deserve a better visibility.

由于大雾,能见度遽烈的减低。Because of the fog, visibility was drastically reduced.

可靠性强,大大提高了夜间行驶可视度。Its reliability improves the visibility at night greatly.

你可以把“搜索可见”下拉列表框选择为“所有人”。Change the "Search Visibility" drop-down box to "Everyone."

放大图像,激活所有图层的可视状态,然后欣赏吧!Just zoom-out turn on the visibility of all layers and enjoy!

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简单的游标尺的刻度清晰,具并且可见度很高。The simple Vernier scale is clearly marked for good visibility.

切换图层可视性不再使一个隐藏层激活。Toggling layer visibility no longer makes a hidden layer active.

两者之间的唯一区别是他们的可见度。The only difference between the two elements is their visibility.