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我学了组织行为学。I studies organizational behavior.

组织生活中存在惯性。Inertia pervades organizational life.

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您拥有什么组织的单元?What organizational units do you have?

重新调整组织的新陈代谢Reprogramming organizational metabolism

定义卓越中心的组织架构。Defining of the COE organizational structure.

您的组织单位名称是什麽?What is the name of your organizational unit?

中国科协组织人事部。Organizational and Personnel Department of CAST.

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Kotter关于组织转型的八个步骤Kotter's eight steps for organizational transition

企业适应组织变革的能力。Enterprise's ability to adjust to organizational changes.

他们误解了组织冲突的本质。They misunderstand the nature of organizational conflict.

从组织的角度来说内容质量并未得到重视。It is not well-regarded from an organizational perspective.

组织化结构才是最重要的。It is the organizational structure that will matter the most.

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必要时可将结果按照组织的单位进行细分。SEGMENT your RESULTS by organizational units, as appropriate.

我有良好的管理技巧和组织能力。I have good managerial skills and organizational capabilities.

综合商社在组织上是比较完备的。Sogo Shosha is rather complete in its organizational structure.

互操作性问题会造成组织活动无效。Interoperability problems can negate organizational initiatives.

组织视图仅在门户仪表板中可用。Organizational views are available in the portal dashboard only.

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较强的行政、解决问题及组织技巧。Strong administration, problem-solving and organizational skills.

丹共的组织原则是民主集中制。The organizational principle of the apk is democratic centralism.

运用三种观点来观察并了解整个组织体系,第94-96页。Applying the Three Lenses in an Organizational Setting, pp. 94-96.