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不能只戴花吗?。I have no jewellery to wear.

我喜欢戴银首饰。I like to wear argentine jewellery.

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家母并非喜欢买或戴珠宝的一类人。My mother is not the jewellery type.

本店所有珠宝都降价出售。All the jewellery is on sale at the shop.

你想要宝石和什么贵重的东西吗?Do you want jewellery and precious things?

窃贼偷走了全部珠宝。The thief absconded with all the jewellery.

他们把所有的珠宝都藏在1个大箱子。They hid all their jewellery in a big trunk.

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你可以把你的珠宝存到银行里。You can stow your jewellery away in the bank.

保险箱里的大多数东西是珠宝。Most of the contents of the safe are jewellery.

可不可以向你的朋友借点首饰呢?Can' t you borrow some jewellery from a friend ?

一位时髦的对珠宝有品味的伯爵夫人。A neo-politan countess with a taste for jewellery.

贼把她所有的首饰都偷光了。The burglars cleaned her out of all her jewellery.

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窃贼把她一切的首饰都偷走了。The burglars cleaned her out of all her jewellery.

高金价同样也伤到了珠宝需求。High gold prices are also hurting jewellery demand.

白色衬衣就像一张画布,最单纯的颜色,最简洁的款式,依靠珠宝同样可以很出位,别有一番鲜活的新意。A white shirt is a blank canvas for great jewellery.

金饰是到香港旅游的必买商品!Gold jewellery is a "must-buy" product in Hong Kong.

请你将贴身的佩戴的金属饰物摘去。Please take off all metal jewellery you are wearing.

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靠近烧伤面的其他衣物和首饰也都要拿掉。Take off other clothing and jewellery near the burn.

新款首饰,无限创意。The newly-designed jewellery is full of originality.

窃贼从我抽屉里偷走了珠宝。The thieves abstracted the jewellery from my drawer.