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参与编程马拉松。Participate in hackathons.

我为什么不可以参加仙剑?Why can't I participate in the PAL?

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参与第七框架计划可能吗?Is it possible to participate in FP7?

应该参加哪一家慈善组织?In Which Charity Should I Participate?

你参加这次讨论了吗?Did you participate in this discussion?

参加国外贸易考察团。Participate in overseas trade missions.

参加学校各种兴趣班活动。Various interest groups to participate.

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参与一次魔兽世界的突袭行动。Participate in a World of Warcraft raid.

你参与了这个创造的过程。You participate in the creative process.

我们大家都将分享到利润。All of us will participate in the profits.

参与编写教材3部。Participate in wring 3 teaching materials.

他也希望人们能参与其中,成为创造者。And he wants us to participate as creators.

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你是否爱教会、参与在他的家中?Did you love and participate in his family?

只有真正的男人才能参加这项比赛。Only real men can participate in the racing.

有很多学生参加运动队吗?Do many students participate in sports teams?

成为一个免费回收组织的成员并参加他们的活动。Become a member of Freecycle, and participate.

他的诗带有讽刺性His poems participate of the nature of satire.

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男性会更多地参与家务劳动吗?Will men participate more in household duties?

人生就是一场盛会,充分地参与进来吧。Life is a grand event, participate in it fully.

利害相关者参与管理。The stakeholders participate in the management.