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蓝胡子在喊叫着。Blue Beard called.

他一脸白胡子。He has white beard.

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他长着黑胡子。He has a black beard.

比尔精心修剪了他的胡须。Bill preened his beard.

戴维在蓄须。David is growing a beard.

我留起了胡须。I grew my break-up beard.

于是,蓝胡子就走了。Then Blue Beard went away.

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他是没有留须的!He doesn't have this beard.

他有一缕很长的白胡子。He had a long, white beard.

他不再留胡须。He no longer wears a beard.

他的胡须垂到胸前。His beard fell to his chest.

他的胡须又白又长。His beard is white ang long.

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他的胡须飘移在风里。His beard moves in the wind.

他的胡子来回地动,好像他在吃。His beard waggled as he ate.

而且,连他的胡子都是假的。And that's his beard is fake.

顺便说一句,我喜欢你的胡子。By the way, I like your beard.

他把胡子剃掉了。He's had his beard shaved off.

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现在我胡子都白了。I have winter in my beard now.

那个长着络腮胡子的人是谁?Who is the man with the beard?

他是唯一留胡子的人。He's the only one with a beard.