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泡泡浴。A bubble bath.


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淋浴还是泡澡?Shower or bath?

控制洗浴时间。Limit bath time.

但它毕竟和沐浴不同。But it is no bath.

她在作盆浴。She's in the bath.

洗澡水给你准备好了。Your bath is ready.

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请给我放一盆洗澡水。Please run me a bath.

锡浴比无浴法好。Sn bath is preferred.

爸爸充当我的洗澡盆!Daddy is my bath tub !

不要泡澡。Don’t soak in the bath.

他脱衣洗浴。He stripped for a bath.

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一个带浴室的双人房间。A double room with bath.

多片在油浴。Multi-plate in oil bath.

温暖的沐浴使我放松。The warm bath relaxed me.

独立的浴缸和淋浴。Separate Bath with shower.

泰尼可以再哪里洗澡呢?Where can Tiny take a bath?

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这是一首洗澡的童歌。It's called the "Bath Song".

洗澡盆的水龙头漏水。The bath bub tap is leaking.

把所有的加入冰浴。混合。Add all the in ice bath. Mix.