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你们又在捉弄他吧?Are you horsing with him again?

那是一些孩子在闹着玩儿。It's just some kids horsing around.

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那是一些孩子在闹着玩。It is just some kids horsing around.

我不会上当的,我知道你又来耍我。I won't buy it, I know you are horsing me around.

放学后,一些学生在公园里胡闹。After school some students are horsing around in the park.

我想,没事瞎逛的话这事就会发生。I guess that's what happens when you start horsing around!

你是说那两个男孩儿是在闹着玩儿啊!Those two kids were just playing, they were horsing around.

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你们这些男孩们又在胡闹,把身上都弄脏了。You boys have been horsing about again, getting yourselves dirty.

今天我们调皮捣蛋,又把老师给惹怒了。We pissed our teacher off again today, horsing around and acting up.

我一直告诉他们停止玩耍,不然有人会受伤。I always tell them to stop horsing around, or someone could get hurt.

我想他也知道我们是在逗着玩的,因为老菲比总是忍不住咯咯地笑。I think he knew we were horsing around, because old Phoebe always starts giggling.

官牧马主要为军事、邮驿交通需要服务。Horsing under the charge of government was for military and transportation services.

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提供安全休闲的马匹骑乘服务和美妙的草原观光感受。Our Mission—providing the safe, leisure horsing with wonderful nature sightseeing experience.

另一种猩猩——倭黑猩猩它们喜欢无拘无束的欢闹的进入成年阶段。Now bonobos, the other chimp species, or Pan paniscus, enjoy horsing around well into adulthood.

而倭黑猩猩是黑猩猩属中的另外一种,他们嬉闹着长大。Now bonobos, the other chimp species, or Pan paniscus, enjoy horsing around well into adulthood.

吉姆每天把大部分午饭时间用来与办公室的几个女孩鬼混。Jim spends most of his lunch hour every day horsing around with some of the girls from the office.

但这不正是像孩子一样吗?它们忘记了课程并开始拖着一条驯鹿腿玩。But isn't this just like kids? They forget the lesson and start horsing around with a reindeer leg.

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赛马会上是年轻人炫耀马技赢得姑娘芳心的绝佳场合。The horse racing gathering is a great chance for guys to show off horsing skills and win a girl's heart.

也不完全是这样,如果他能够不要鬼混,把心思专注在学习上面,那他就一定可以表现得好多了。Not exactly. He will do much better if he could stop horsing around and learns to concentrate more at his studies.

因此,教师花费更多时间处理上课时“胡闹”、使用手机、以及恐吓事件。As a result, teachers’ time is increasingly taken up dealing with ‘ horsing around ’, use of mobile phones in lessons and bullying.