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我的女战士。My warrior woman. My valkyrie.

好象有人做过吧。不过没放出如何添加元件变形。Valkyrie That's great! I'll be looking forward to it.

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听到了吗?我们要去瓦尔基理斯的训练营。Hear that?We're heading to the Valkyrie training camp.

可是具有不死魔魂的武神蚩尤真的死了么?However, the Valkyrie has a die Mohun Chi really dead?

从网路上找到的北欧战神使女的图片得到的灵感。Inspired by the picture of a valkyrie I found on the internet.

因此,武神是一个谁决定谁应该死在战场女神的主机之一。Thus, a valkyrie is one of a host of female Gods who decide who should die in the battle.

通常一女武神将举行剑或矛,严重磨损或轻轻盔甲,骑马。Usually a Valkyrie will hold a sword or lance, wear heavily or lightly armor, and ride a horse.

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瓦尔基里航天飞机作为重型运输机装载着军队、志愿者和机甲。The Valkyrie shuttles are the heavy transports of the operation, packed with troops, volunteers, and powersuits.

第二幕沃坦让自己的武神女儿布伦希尔德保护齐格孟德,在他与洪丁决斗时出手相助。Act II Wotan instructs his warrior daughter, the Valkyrie Brünnhilde, to defend his mortal son Siegmund in the fight with Hunding.

这是说,当看到一个女武神的海盗,他们会疯狂地欢呼他们的厄运,并等待从女武神死神之吻。It is said that when the Vikings see a Valkyrie, they will wildly cheer for their doom, and wait for the kiss of death from Valkyrie.

新的幽灵战斗机和导弹护卫舰女神在对抗灵活的虫族空军时被证明是一个笨拙的组合。The new Wraith combat fighters and Valkyrie missile frigates proved to be an unwieldy combination against agile zerg airborne organisms.

因此,女武神的责任是很清楚,他们会判断地球上的战争,挑选英雄和伟大的战士的灵魂。Therefore, the duty of Valkyrie is very clear, they are going to judge the wars on earth, to pick the heroes' and great warriors' souls.

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在那部歌剧里,齐格弗里德穿越一个火山带以寻找瓦尔基里战士布伦希尔德,后者应该“采取行动挽救世界”。In it, Siegfried crosses through a ring of fire to find the valkyrie warrior Brünnhilde, who shall "work the deed that redeems the world."

有一些有价值的数据是指,这次刺杀希特勒一个是真正的历史的人,但也有很多不同的版本来形容她。There are some valuable data refers that one of this Valkyrie was a really person in history, but there are also a lot of different version to describe her.

在她被称为死亡使者的原因是因为女武神可分为两个词分开,这意味着它在这个词相结合两种不同的含义。The reason she is called the death messenger is because the word Valkyrie can be separated into two words, in which means it combined two different meanings.

他的计划前功尽弃,他告诉返回的布伦希尔德有关莱高德的盗窃以及阿伯利奇的诅咒,然后命令错愕不已的布伦希尔德为洪丁战斗。His plans in ruins, he tells the returning Brünnhilde about the theft of the Rhinegold and Alberich's curse on it, then orders the shocked Valkyrie to fight for Hunding.