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所以,终端费仍然要付。So the termination fees remain.

因雇佣关系终止而没收。Forfeitures upon Termination of Employment.

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使用位置谓词提前终止。Early termination with positional predicates.

在古代汉语词尾研究中,“助词”、“词尾”、“词缀”概念混淆。There was no concept of termination in ancient Chinese.

她在法国起诉科赫-格力奇公司非法解雇她。She sued Koch-Glitsch in France for wrongful termination.

我还要把裁决及合约终止条款写进去。I also have to include arbitration and termination clauses.

退保金的申请人是投保人。The policy holder is the applicant for termination benefit.

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毒品筛查不合格的后果是被解雇。The penalty for failing a drug-screening test is termination.

请参阅清单成功行动终止的例子6-8。See Listing 6-8 for examples of successful action termination.

企业歇业是企业终止的一种情形。Closeout of an enterprise is a form of termination of an enterprise.

自由基链的终止产生于双分子反应。Termination of free radical chairs occurs by a bimolecular reaction.

即违纪行为是否严重到需要解雇。That is the infraction was serious enough to necessitate termination.

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反应后期的偶合终止对这个肩膀峰也有一定贡献。Also coupled termination events contributed some to the shoulder peak.

中止放电电压规定为每节电池1V。In this case, Discharging termination voltage means 1.0voltage per cell.

保险责任的起讫期限是多长?How long in the period from the commencement to termination of insurance?

保险责任起至期限多长?How long is the period form the commencement to termination of insurance.

保险责任的起讫期限是多长?。How long is the period from the commencement to termination of insurance?

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由于您因此理由被公司开除,所以不得领取资遣费。There shall be no severance pay since your termination was for just cause.

因此,这意味著,注册,每月员额检查,暂停和终止。So that means, signup, monthly posts checking, suspension, and termination.

根据实验结果,推测终止反应主要为接枝链间的偶合终止。A coupling termination mechanism was proposed based on the experimental data.