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靠疗养院靠海。The sanatorium stands by the sea.

这里是蓝染花私立精神科疗养院。This is Aizome Private Psychiatric Sanatorium.

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争辩的核心是如何建立疗养院。It is a debate about how to construct sanatorium.

新建的火车站仅一投石之距。Our sanatorium was within a stone's throw of the sea.

我们拍摄的地方是一个闹鬼的疗养院。The place where we filmed that was a haunted sanatorium.

疗养院坐落在海岸的一片宽阔的土地上。The sanatorium stood on a large plot of land by the coast.

每座作围绕之状的佳山都是疗养院。Every good mountain with an enclosing gesture is a sanatorium.

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她目前在庐山休养所,力图把身体养好。She is now at Lushan sanatorium and endeavouring to pull round.

他们在海滨疗养院养精蓄锐休养了两个星期。They replenished themselves in a seaside sanatorium for two weeks.

干休所卫生资源有其特殊性。Sanitation resource of the cadre's sanatorium has its particularity.

写这篇日记时,奥威尔住在肯特郡阿里斯福德的普雷斯顿疗养院。Orwell writes this from the sanatorium at Preston Hall, Aylesford, Kent.

他在疗养院住了好几个月,所有费用都由公司出。He remained in the sanatorium for many months, the company paying all his expenses.

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目的探讨糖尿病疗养员康复医疗效果。Objective To investigate the effect of sanatorium treatment in recuperator with diabetics.

这是我在维基百科里的哈萨克语字条里找到的图片,上面的说是哈萨克人相互之间说话必须讲哈语。"A Kazakh must speak with a Kazakh in the Kazakh language". A sign in a sanatorium in Almaty.

目的调查兴城疗养院区自然疗养因子的优势。Objective To investigate the advantage of natural convalescent factors of Xingcheng Sanatorium.

心脏功能修复是虞美人德国黑森林疗养院的强项,也是非常注重的一部分。The repairing of cardiovascular function is the pet project of YMR German black forest sanatorium.

目的在疗养院医疗工作中开展催眠术后的应用与研究。Objective To investigate the application of the hypnosis in the medical practice of the sanatorium.

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结果如按上述方法,森田疗法在疗养院大有用武之地。Results The Morita therapy was very useful in the sanatorium if the aforementioned means were employed.

目的在疗养院医疗工作中开展森田疗法的应用与研究。Objective To investigate the application of the Morita therapy in the medical practice of the sanatorium.

为了保持物种数量,更多的英国野生动物可能会在某些“乡村疗养院”中被照顾起来。More British wildlife is likely to be nursed in some bucolic sanatorium in the hope of populating the future.