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她举行了一项欢迎会。She put on a gala reception party.

我现在应该在赛舟会的。I'm supposed to be at a regatta gala.

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圣诞节的Brach的糖果树莓。Gala Christmas in the Brach candy berries.

他是节日盛上的贵宾。He is the special guest on a gala occasion.

哪种帆船在晚上比赛?。What kind of a regatta gala starts at night?

“春晚”已经成为家家户户餐桌上的一道特殊的菜肴。And the gala is now a special dish in the table already.

这个壮观的盛会使本届运动会取得开门红。The spectacular gala got the games off to a flying start.

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收看央视的春晚成为中国人的传统。Watching the gala on CCTV has become a Chinese tradition.

在2011年的春节晚会上他开端逐步走红。Now it has become popular during 2011 Spring Festival Gala.

七嘴八舌话春晚,你最喜欢的春晚节目是什么?Which is your favorite program in the Spring Festival Gala?

观看特别演出的请柬上注有“请戴黑领结”字样。The invitation to the gala performance is marked 'black tie.

但赵薇的经纪人称赵薇不参加今年的春晚。But Zhao's broker said that Zhao will not appear in the gala.

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不过他回避要取代央视春晚的说法。Yet he shies away from the idea of supplanting the CCTV gala.

他在春节晚会上的出色演出果然让他出名了。His execllect performance on Spring Festive Gala made him famous.

如今,她被证实将亮相今年的央视春晚。Now she's comfirming with a performance at this year's CCTV Gala.

如今,她被证实将亮相今年的央视春晚。Now she`s comfirming with a performance at this year`s CCTV Gala.

首先是他与加拉·艾吕雅在卡达克斯的偶然相遇。First was his chance meeting with Gala ?luard in 1929 in Cadaqués.

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首先是他与加拉•艾吕雅在卡达克斯的偶然相遇。First was his chance meeting with Gala éluard in 1929 in Cadaqués.

人们都很喜欢这些点亮的灯笼和欢庆的表演。People always enjoy the lighted lanterns and the gala performances.

新年那天,他们参加游园活动,玩得很开心。New Year's Day saw them enjoying themselves in the activity of gala.