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对达尔文来说,择偶仅仅停留在交尾。For Darwin, mate choice simply stopped at copulation.

骡马市上的交配也就成了情理之事。The copulation in mule market has become the common thing.

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只有0.5个百分点感到满意,每交配行为。Only 0.5 percent were satisfied with every act of copulation.

在扭角羚群体内主要是以“一夫多妻制”的形式存在。The pattern of copulation behavior mainly exists in the form of polygyny.

试验表明交尾时雄虫不产生精包。Tests show that spermatophore is not produced by the male during copulation.

恐龙最有可能的交配方式是通过所谓的“泄殖腔之吻”进行。Dinosaur copulation was most likely accomplished by means of "kissing cloacae."

金格里奇推测说,这些可能都是在交配时起刺激或者引导作用的。Gingerich speculates that they served as stimulators or guides during copulation.

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交配可能被用来在同性当中进行联姻和保护物种。Copulation could be used for alliance and protection among animals of the same sex.

因此,在色情文学中所有的动作描述都被限制在,关于性交的陈腔滥调上。Thus, in pornographic novels action has to be limited to the copulation of cliches.

摄影是一种过分强调,是与物质世界的一种英雄式交合。Photography is a kind of overstatement, a heroic copulation with the material world.

这是有关因淋病,或遗精沾染不洁的人。This is the law of him that hath the issue of seed, and that is defiled by copulation.

作家的一生都被为钱卖命的不变常规和交配仪式牢牢拴住。The writer chained for life to the routine of a wage slave and the ritual of copulation.

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那时你们看到就会是一个被生活套上了枷锁的作家,他过着工薪奴的平常生活,他的性生活像场宗教仪式,毫无激情可言。The writer chained for life to the routine of a wage slave and the ritual of copulation.

交配只对6日龄雌虫和2日龄雄虫的飞行能力有显著影响。The copulation status only affected the 6 day-old females and 2 day-old males significantly.

此强迫配种方法在组织现代化同步生产上有实用价值。Forced copulation has practical value in organizing modernized mass production in rabbits-breeding.

探讨广西地区笼养雌性食蟹猴配种后生殖激素的变化水平。The purpose was to search the change level of reproductive hormones in cage-fed female Crab-eating Macaque after copulation in Guangxi.

也许在各类物种当中,与面粉甲虫和海豚一样存在着多样性,雄性间交配也有类似的甚至可以预测的结果?Might male-male copulation in species as diverse as flour beetles and dolphins have similar, even predictable, evolutionary consequences?

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草长马发情,这种自然界的交替是多么合乎情理。骡马市上的交配也就成了情理之事。The grass grows and the horse is ruttish , how reasonable the natural is in turn. The copulation in mule market has become the common thing.

羊驼的卧式交配姿势、交配时间长以及子宫角射精等特性给羊驼人工采精技术带来很大困难。It is difficult to collect semen artificially because of the mating posture, duration of copulation and intrauterine deposition of semen in alpaca.