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“有闲阶级”的理论构成了理解魏晋士人形象生成的一个角度。Based on above analysis, we make a summarization to the image of the clerisy of Wei-Jin.

笔者深感作为本民族的知识分子更肩负着继承、发展、弘扬民族文化的历史使命。As a clerisy of Wa, I deeply felt that we must shoulder our fate which is carrying, inheriting, and developing Wa Culture.

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现代性话语下国家权力系统和精英知识分子构成了一种既相互依赖又相互排斥的思想空间。There was a building_upon and repellent thinking space between state power system and elite clerisy in the modernistic wore.

而以留日学生为主体的青年知识分子群体,在这历史的重要时刻,发挥了生力军的作用。With the main body of the Chinese students studying in Japan, the youth clerisy played a vital role at the crucial momento f history.

大学生是集青年和知识分子于一体的特殊群体,其政治认知较其他群体具有自身的特点。Compared to other groups, university men are a special group, who are both youth and clerisy . Their political cognizance is accordingly special, too.

本文主要讲述了两个觉醒的知识分子涓生和子君的爱情故事,他们曾经狂热地追求个性的解放,婚姻的自由。This story tell of two clerisy , Juansheng and Zijun's , whom was awaked by their love. they ever pursued enthusiastically bardian release and marital freedom.

对江苏教育学院的分析,代表了中国当时同类型的教育机构中的知识分子,在面临乡村危机时的思考和作为。Analyzing the Jiangsu Education College represented the thoughts and actions when the clerisy faced the county crisis, who worked in the same type education organ.

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第三章从创伤记忆、边缘地位、漂泊困顿的生活经历等方面,阐述了中国现代知识分子的感伤体验。Chapter three expatiate the pathos experience of modern Chinese clerisy by depicting their life stories such as scarred memory, marginalized status and extravagated life.

其中的原因,主要来自传统的影响,还在于资产阶级知识分子的民主宣传浮光掠影、急功冒进。That was mainly because of the impact of the old feudal tradition and additionally of superficial propaganda of democracy by the bourgeois clerisy. Rome was not built in a day.

对教职工恢复职称评聘制度,是国家为改善和提高广大知识分子的政治、经济生活待遇和社会地位的重要举措。Renewing of the system of teachers title evaluation is an important act by our country to improve the social position and politic and financial treatment of the majority of clerisy.