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一种技巧的游戏。A game of skill.

那个游戏怎么样?How was the game?

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这场比赛谁赢了?Who won the game?

比赛场点。Game point XX all.

我们需要这个游戏。We want this game.

那场比赛的输赢事先已讲定。That game is fixed.

这终究是一场败仗。It is a losing game.

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这可是一场定胜负的比赛。It's a one-off game.

玩宾果游戏。Play the Bingo Game.

暂且就成为合伙人博弈吧So Partnership Game.

第一场主场比赛。The first home game.

那是项城市游戏。It was the city game.

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这是一场决胜局。It's a deciding game.

这有点像猜谜游戏。It's a guessing game.

这是一个零和游戏。Itls a zero-sum game.

我们有一场伟大的比赛。We have a great game.

我们正打一场比赛。We're playing a game.

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你有玩那个游戏吗?Do you play that game?

标题让我想起一部经典电影的台词!I want to play a game.

你的结尾游戏是什么?What is your end game?