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关于匮乏的思想是萨特人学理论的基石。Scarcity is the core stone of Sartre's anthropologic theory.

匮乏是萨特人学理论的基石。Scarcity is the foundation of Sartre's anthropologic theory.

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李泽厚把他的本体论叫做人类学本体论,并把审美与艺术置于人类本体之上。Li Zehou names his noumenon anthropologic noumenon and puts aesthetic and art above human noumenon.

禁忌作为一个文化人类学的概念、社会规则,它是标志文化差异的基本范畴。Taboo acts as a cultural and anthropologic concept and social rule, and also is the indication of culture difference.

在他看来,作为人类学范畴的“希望”集中体现了人类走向更美好未来的意图。To him, hope, as the anthropologic category, intently embodies intention for human beings to a more beautiful future.

从人类学的角度看,法律是一个安排秩序的分类体系,它安排了事物、行为、意义的秩序。From the anthropologic prospective, law is a taxonomic system in arranging the order, It sets such orders as thing, act and sense.

存在,不仅作为哲学范畴而且作为人类学范畴内的一个重要概念被越来越多的作家重视起来。Being is drawing more and more attention from writers as an important concept not only in philosophy field, but in anthropologic category as well.

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自从1989年12月末至1990年元月初,第一届都市人类学国际学术会在北京召开。Since end came in December 1989 1990 at the beginning of January, anthropologic international learning meets the first city to be held in Beijing.

在西南地区有众多大小不等的岩溶盆地,相比于岩溶石山地区,盆地是水、土资源丰富和人类聚集、经济发展较快的地区。A karst basin was one of the geological cells where water, soil resources are rich and anthropologic activities have heavy impact on the environment.

第六,文化人类学的研究显示,不同社会在嫉妒表现方式和应对策略等方面存在着差异性和多样性。Sixth, the culture anthropologic studies reveal that there are many differences in expression and countermeasures of envy between different societies.

席勒继承康德的以意志自由为核心的人类学本体论哲学思想建构了自己的道德主义悲剧观。Schiller inherited Kant's philosophical thought of anthropologic ontology that took free will as the core and established his moralistic view of tragedy.

然而,当遇到一个叫约翰的人类学教授和作家时,她一见钟情并调整了自己做母亲的计划。However, when should encountering an anthropologic professor that calls John and writer, she falls in love at first sight and adjusted oneself to make maternal plan.

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对人类学中的巫术研究作一个大致的评述,这无论对巫术的知识谱系梳理,还是对学科的学理逻辑方法的理解,都是必要的。It is necessary to make a review to anthropologic witchcraft study, no matter whether to review knowledge of witchcraft or to understand the logic method of the discipline.

然而,作为已经融通了庄子精神的禅宗,通过消解一切的方式,完美地解决了庄子哲学所不能克服的悖论和矛盾,实现了真正的人类学意义上的诗性超越。But by means of dispelling everything it has solved the contradictions and cleaned the absurdities that Zhuangzi hasn t done, and has achieved an anthropologic poetic transcendence.

人类学影片以无可替代的优势和独特的表达方式,成为人类学家观察和研究人类社会的有效载体和工具。Anthropologic film , with no insteadable advantages and especial expressing ways, makes an effective object and compliance by which the anthropologist observes and studies human society.

最后是方法部分即唯物辩证法,不论是历史辩证法还是自然辩证法都是逻辑和历史相一致的人学辩证法。Lastly, it is the methodology, the materialist dialectics, which is an anthropologic dialectics in which logics and history are in consistency, whether it is historical or naturalist dialectics.

鉴于以往一些学者对当地社区进行的部分文化事项的历史学研究,本文则强调在人类学视野下更具广泛性的文化研究。In contrast to some former scholars' partly studies which focused on the history field of this community, this dissertation intends to put emphasis on the local cultural studies in Anthropologic view.