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我们之前已经对军方和DARPA如何开发新型自组网技术做过探讨。We've looked at how the Army and DARPA are developing new ad-hoc networking technology.

为了提高机动性和操纵性,DARPA要求公司在自然环境寻找案例。For mobility and manipulation, DARPA is asking companies to look at nature for examples.

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参与者可以通过提交高风险-高回报的想法以获得DARPA的奖励。Applicants are encouraged to submit high-risk ideas with a potential high payoff, DARPA said.

这种做法也意味著激起民众与政客的兴趣,而DARPA现在已经做到了。Doing that means piquing the interest of the public and of politicians, which DARPA has now done.

如果DARPA继续推进这一项目,新的悍马最快将于2015年飞上蓝天。If DARPA then move forward with the project, the new Humvee could take to the skies as soon as 2015.

这项研究可以用作军事用途,这也是国防高级研究规划局首先介入其中的原因。This development could be useful for military purposes, which is why DARPA got involved in the first place.

蝎子4X4的是DARPA的挑战作好准备,并可能在机器人罗德奥唯一真正自主车。The Scorpion 4X4 is DARPA Challenge ready and possibly the only truly autonomous vehicle at the Robotics Rodeo.

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DARPA第二阶段的合同价值4.6万美元,为期18个月,需要扩大至3kw功率的单模光纤放大器,最终目标是开发战场中致命激光武器所需的100kw功率的技术。The $4.6 million, 18-month Phase II DARPA contract calls for scaling power to 3kW in a single mode fiber amplifier.

那时,美国国防高级研究计划局因为它在通过无线电网络和卫星通道的对等包交换方面的出色而出名。At that time, DARPA was well known for its pioneering of packet-switching over radio networks and satellite channels.

美国国防部高级研究计划署的罗伯特·卡恩,与斯坦福大学的文顿·瑟夫联手补上了这缺失的一环。The missing link was supplied by Robert Kahn of DARPA and Vinton Cerf at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California.

DARPA支付了必需软件的开发费用并将其开源,免费可用,这为它博得了好名声。To its lasting credit, DARPA paid for the necessary software to be developed and made it open-source and freely available.

由于DARPA至今没指定飞潜艇的入水深度,将深度限制在一定范围内也许并不妨碍使用。While DARPA has yet to specify at what depth the flying sub should operate, being restricted to a limited depth might not matter.

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这并非意味着你将很快能看到DARPA的研究员们在每个街区走来走去,手里拿着化学品采样的小罐子。That doesn't mean you can expect to see Darpa researchers walking down every block with chemical-sampling canisters any time soon.

墨菲领导的团队经历了最初的设计、仿真和原型建造阶段,可能会获得机会为DARPA建立一个完整规模的超级计算机。The team that urvive the initial deign, imulation, and prototype-building phae may earn a chance to build a full-cale upercomputer for Darpa.

美国太空署与国防部高级研究计划局数年来已经在超燃冲压发动机技术上倾注气力,为工程师创造了可信赖的广大知识体系和数据。Both NASA and DARPA have been dabbling in scramjet technology for years, creating a vast body of knowledge and data for engineers to build upon.

DARPA的KQ-X项目耗资3300万美元,将演示两架全球鹰无人机自主空中加油,从而使其飞行时间延长一周。The million DARPA KQ-X program will demonstrate autonomous fuel transfer between two Global Hawks, enabling flights of up to one week endurance.

然而,Darpa表示,在以17到22倍音速飞行的状态下,飞机还是回传了139秒的空气动力学数据。However, the flight still managed to return 139 seconds of aerodynamic data at a velocity between 17 and 22 times the speed of sound, Darpa said.

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DARPA还想研究项目模型,允许开发者在安全性、可靠性、功效和性能方面更轻松地设计。DARPA also wants to study programming models that allow developers to more easily design in security, dependability, power efficiency and high performance.

一旦“无声通话”计划顺利实施,Darpa希望能利用这样一套原型设备去阅读脑波并进行翻译,然后将其传输到通话者的思维之中。Once that's done, Darpa wants a pre-prototype device that can read brain waves, translate them, then transmit them to the mind of one's fellow interlocutor.

国防高级研究计划局的官员说,它能将任务计算负荷修改、最优化和确认的时间从几个月、几年减少到几分钟。DARPA officials say it should be able to reduce mission computing payload adaptation, optimization, and verification times from months and years, to minutes.