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下趟到成田机场的车是几点?When is the next bus to Narita?

成田塔台,ANA9963,34右跑道外等,听你指挥。Narita Tower, ANA9963, hold short of runway 34R, with you.

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你去洛杉矶的时候,我很愿意开车送你去成田机场。I'll be glad to drive you out to Narita when you go to L. A.

我们不小心没有跟上去东京成田机场的大队。We have just missed the big group going to the Narita airport.

成千上万的人在东京Narita国际机场等候起飞,有些干脆坐在地上。Thousands of people packed Narita International Airport in Tokyo, with some sitting on floors.

小安子教给成田一句口诀手上要快心里要慢,这样才能把菜炒好。Small armyann teach narita a faster heart mantra hands slowly, so as to put vegetables stir-fry well.

曾念安让成田放下礼物去学炒菜,成田不小心烧着了眉毛。Ceng Nianan let narita to lay down their gift to learn cooking, narita accidentally burned my eyebrows.

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北京、上海、广州三大枢纽机场,与日本成田、羽田机场距离很近。Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, three major hub airports, with Japan's Narita and Haneda airports in close proximity.

国航还分别取消了一趟上海至东京成田机场、两趟北京至成田机场及羽田机场的航班。It canceled a flight from Shanghai to Tokyo's Narita Airport and two flights from Beijing to Narita and Tokyo's Haneda Airport.

航班时刻表恢复了东京成田和羽田机场的正常起降,东京的大部分火车和地铁已经投入运营。Flight schedules wereresuming at Tokyo’s principal airports, Narita and Haneda, and most of Tokyo’strains and subways were operating.

如果你在亚洲的旅行中经过成田机场,环顾一下四周,看看有什么不寻常。If you’re passing through Narita Airport at some point during your Asian travels, take a moment to just look around. Notice anything unusual?

日本成田机场的管理人员在出口处安装了设备,测量来自墨西哥乘客的体温。Officials at Tokyo's Narita airport installed a device at the arrival gate for flights from Mexico to measure the temperatures of passengers.

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届时全日空航空可在每周五班的往返阿布扎比与成田机场的直航航班上使用其“NH”代码。All Nippon Airways will be available at which five round-trip each week in Abu Dhabi and the Narita Airport direct flight to use its "NH" code.

同时,阿提哈德航空亦可将其“EY”代码用于全日空航空运营的往返成田机场与大阪伊丹机场的航班上。Meanwhile, Etihad Airways may also have their "EY" code for All Nippon Airways operates to and from Narita Airport and Osaka Itami Airport flights.

全日空航空公司的行为再次证明了这点,他们用华丽的口袋怪兽主题装扮这架停在成田机场的波音747。All Nippon Airways does nothing to alleviate the stereotype with this gaudy Pokemon-themed Boeing 747, shown here at Tokyo’s Narita International Airport.

一路上,我没见到MUJI门店,最后一天在去成田机场的路上,在成田市AEON永旺百货发现一家MUJI门店。During my visit in Japan I haven't seen any MUJI shops until the last day on the way to Narita Airport, and I find a MUJI shop in AEON Store in Narita City.

由于里氏8.9级大地震的缘故,乘客随着这班商务飞机从东京的成田机场转移到了横田基地。The passengers arrived at the base after their commercial flights were diverted from Narita International Airport in Tokyo, due to an 8.9 magnitude earthquake.

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日本人自己不会打车,太贵了,开10公里左右要100多人民币,据说从东京市区到成田空港大约要2000元人民币。Japanese himself without only. this is too expensive, open 10 kilometers to more than 100 yuan, allegedly from downtown Tokyo to narita airport about 2000 yuan.

失野见葱烧海参是学不成了,就让王继堂带着自己去了济福楼姜会长家,要成田拜姜会长为师。Loss of wild Onions sea cucumber is cant learn, let chi-tarng wang took her to francois ginger, chairman of the house, to narita ginger President for the teacher.

地震发生后,位于千叶县的东京成田机场跑道一度关闭,往来与东京与千叶之间的多条铁路线也都停止运行。Runways at Narita airport near Tokyo were briefly closed afterthe quake but no irregularities were found, the Kyodo news agency quoted airport officials as saying.