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药物和治疗能够有帮助。Medication and therapy can help.

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你对什么药物过敏吗?Do you allergic to any medication?

那药物让我完全神智不清。That medication totally spaced me out.

心闷能用药物治疗么?Can be the heart used frowzily medication?

甲状腺功能减退是可以通过药物治疗好的。Hypothyroidism is treatable with medication.

有三分之一曾接受过精神科药物治疗。One-third have taken psychiatric medication.

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不要在眼睛上涂抹药膏或者药物Don't apply ointment or medication to the eye

我们拒绝为这些药开处方。We are refusing to prescribe this medication.

用药观察期为2个月。The medication observation period is 2 months.

你们这是否卖治闹肚子的药呢?Do you guys carry medication for upset stomach?

遵照指示用药,你就会很快痊愈。Follow this medication and you'll recover soon.

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发明持续止痛药物泵。Continuous pain medication infusion pum developed.

快速缓解药物治疗可以控制Rohan的病情。Quick relief medication controls Rohan's symptoms.

双相障碍的女患者应该中止服药吗?Should bipolar women discontinue their medication?

尝试改变行为习惯并且适度用药。Try behavior changes and proper use of medication.

吃这种药以后,您也许会有疲劳感。You might feel tired after taking this medication.

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病人并非总能拿到正确的药物。Patients did not always get the correct medication.

使用镊子浸泡棉球在服药。Using tweezers immerse cotton pellet in medication.

食疗是与药疗同源诞生的。Food is homologous with the birth of the medication.