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它应该是甜甜的,很醉人的。It should be sweet, very intoxicant.

他们选择的是一种他们称为“黑煞”的烈性麻醉剂。Their drug of choice was a potent intoxicant they called hashish.

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今夕何夕,空气里都充满了醉人的甜蜜。Now evening what evening, in the air has filled the intoxicant happiness.

在全球范围,大约有二十亿人享用乙醇,这种可致醉的醇类化合物。Worldwide, about two billion people enjoy ethanol, the intoxicant in alcohol.

这曾是欧洲历史的黎明中最令人陶醉而难忘的一幕。This was the most intoxicant and unforgettable scene in the dawn of European history.

自拿破仑佔领埃及后,欧洲人也开始把大麻当成麻醉剂使用。After Napoleon's occupation of Egypt, Europeans began using the drug as an intoxicant.

每一位吸烟者都应戒烟,不仅仅是为了自己的健康,也为了别人的健康。All the smokers should give up smoking for the intoxicant of their possess and others health.

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推开了窗,月亮挂在天阙边,好美,是如此得醉人。Shoved open the window, the moon has hung nearby day error, good beautiful, was so intoxicant.

我的画布主题选择了乐器,我要让我的画布淌出醉人的乐章。My canvas subjecthaschosen the musical instrument, I must let my canvas drip intoxicant music movement.

总之,群体中个人的表现就像注射了大剂量的麻醉药一样。In a word, a man in a crowd behaves as though he had swallowed a large dose of some powerful intoxicant.

爱情,像酒,会醉人,即使有苦涩也有大片的人去品尝。Love is like wine, intoxicant , and though it is bitter, there are still many people trying to taste it.

我的画布主题选择了乐器,我要让我的画布淌出醉人的乐章。My canvas subject has chosen the musical instrument, I must let my canvas drip the intoxicant music movement.

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今夕何夕,空气里都充满了醉人的甜蜜。谨祝我最亲爱的朋友,从今后,爱河永浴!Now evening what evening in the air has filled the intoxicant happiness. Wishing my dearest friend from henceforth in love forever the bath!

今夕何夕,空气里都充满了醉人的甜蜜。谨祝我最亲爱的朋友,从今后,爱河永浴!Now evening what evening, in the air has filled the intoxicant happiness. Wishing my dearest friend, from henceforth, in love forever the bath!

品鉴会之后举行了红酒交流舞会,伴随着优美的旋律、品尝着醉人的红酒,霓虹灯点点星空,让来宾畅所欲言、慢舞池中,将现场气氛渲染至高潮!In the beautiful melody, intoxicant red wine, and little neon, guest speak freely, dance slowly in the floor, which pull the atmosphere to the climax!