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于是我们开始做转座子的突变发生。So we started doing transposon mutagenesis.

本文是水稻中第一个转座子标签的例子。This is the first example of transposon tagging in rice.

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转座子是基因功能研究十分有用的工具。Transposon is a very useful tool of gene function analysis.

逆转座子是水稻转座因子的一个主要组成部分。Retrotransponson is one of the major parts of rice transposon.

一种特别的转位子最早出现在一百万年前。One particular transposon first appeared about a million years ago.

转座子标签法是克隆与分离植物基因的一项十分有效的方法。Transposon tagging is an effective method for plant gene cloning and isolation.

为了提高产酶量,采用了物理诱变和转座子诱变两种方法。In order to increase the yields of xylanase, we use physical and transposon mutation.

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转座子标签法是克隆未知基因的有效方法之一。Transposon tagging is a powerful molecular tool for isolating genes with unknown functions.

在其他微生物中主要应用转座子突变和自杀载体进行基因打靶。Transposon mutagenesis and suicide vectors are mainly used for gene targeting in other microbes.

虽然有许多方法可以得到基因,但转座子标签技术使克隆基因更容易、简便。There are many methods can get gene, but the transposon tagging technique makes clone easily and simply.

散在重复序列主要是可转移因子,可转移因子分为转座子和返座子两种类型。Dispersed repetitive sequence is mainly transposable elements which are composed of transposon and retroposon.

因此我们找出所有能够接受转座子插入的基因,称为“非必需基因”,并为它们做了一张“地图”。So we made a map of all the genes that could take transposon insertions and we called those "non-essential genes."

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并就转座子标签技术的研究新进展,转座子标签技术在水稻功能基因组学研究中的应用等方面进行了综述。It discusses the progress of transposon tagging technology, as well as its use in studying in functional genomics of rice.

研究「先驱」转位子如何插入特定目标序列,也可能带来些有用的新技术。Studying how the Harbinger3_DR transposon naturally targets specific sequences may also reveal some useful new techniques.

1997年Ivics等根据积累的系统发生数据,利用生物信息学的方法进行分子重建,终于使其恢复转座活性。The SB transposon system was awakened from inactive Tc1-like transposable elements by using molecular phylogenetic data in 1997.

我们的实验结果为在哺乳动物和其它脊椎动物中建立一个作为多功能遗传分析工具的高效转座系统迈出了关键性的第一步。Our data provide a first and critical step towards a highly efficient transposon system for a variety of genetic manipulations in mammals.

胚中小的转座元件CHH甲基化作用发生了增强,表明了胚乳的去甲基化增强了转座元件的沉默。CHH methylation of small transposable elements is increased in embryos, suggesting that endosperm demethylation enhances transposon silencing.

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鉴定一个具有目的表现型的植株后,可以在一个转座子标记系的基因组文库中筛选出这个转座子。Having identified a plant showing a phenotype of interest, a genomic library of the transposon tagged stock is screened for the transposable element.

正如转座子标记一样,当T-DNA插入到一个对植物发育重要的基因中时,就可以破坏这个基因的功能,从而形成一个突变型。As with transposon tagging, when the T-DNA inserts into a gene of developmental importance, it disrupts its function and a mutant phenotype is observed.

当一个基因遭破坏后被发现,这时可以通过搜索转座子DNA以及鉴定转座子DNA周围的区域对遭受破坏的基因进行识别和鉴定。When a gene disruption is found, it can be identified and characterized by looking for the transposon DNA and then characterizing the surrounding region.