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又名吕祖庙。Also Minglv Zu Temple.

这你在中国能买到。Das bekommst du in China zu kaufen.

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叫王先生明天到我这儿来。Herr Wang soll morgen zu mir kommen!

您要20欧元还是30欧元的电话卡?Eine Telefonkarte zu 20 Euro oder zu 30 Euro?

女人们在睡前泡脚,这叫做足浴。Women do a foot soak called zu yu before bed.

佛山的祖庙,你或许可以去看一看。Maybe you can have a look at Zu Temple in Foshan.

继续前行不久,我们便来到祖庙村了。Going forward not too long, we arrived Zu Miao Village.

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他们问,"向哪个方向",他答道,"就冲着我过来了"They say, "in what direction?" He says, "auf mich zu direct."

任何白痴都知道赵云不会让他的主公被杀的。Any idiot knows zhao yun is not gonna let his zu gong get killed.

在这方面,祖是一个鸟的人,出于某种原因,反对神。In this, Zu is a bird-man who, for some reason, opposes the gods.

尹祖检查丁日伤势,估计他被女子所伤。Yin Zu check day injury, estimated that he was hurt by the woman.

巴拉克有没有打算跟随队伍去在科隆的比赛?Plant Michael Ballack eigentlich, das Team in Köln mal zu besuchen?

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但是妈祖这个民间渔女,为何被奉为天后圣母?Nevertheless, why was Ma Zu who was a common folk fisherwoman divinized as a goddess?

这名词对你来说可能很陌生,但对四名商管生来说便再熟悉不过。The term "Xiao Hua Miao Zu" may be unfamiliar to you, but 4 BBA students know it well.

权近以使者的身份来过中国,与明太祖和朝廷大臣进行过交流。Quan Jin as an emissary came to China, and Ming Tai Zu and court minister conducted exchanges.

接着,毛志坚发现小丽还有一个孪生姐姐祖小艾。Then, mao Zhijian discovery is small beautiful still have Zu Xiaoai of elder sister of a twin.

他们只喜欢光宗,不喜欢耀祖,光宗耀祖因此被迫分开。They liked Guang Zong, but not the other twin, Yao Zu. Subsequently, the twins were separated.

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那年,祖茂堂用郭三堆的种子取得了棉花产量翻番的佳绩,而且用的杀虫剂和工时少得多。That year, Zu doubled his cotton crop with Guo's GM seed, using much less pesticide and labour.

而广东省佛山的祖庙,内供着真武帝君,对东南亚一带都产生着影响。Zu Temple in Foshan, Guangdong Province, has a wide influence on the religion in Southeast Asia.

送祖时,纸钱冥财烧得很多,以便“祖先享用”。Zu sent when the paper money burned a lot of financial offerings in order to "enjoy their ancestors."