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我觉得他和蔼可亲,富有魅力。I found his amiability charming.

“你的孩子真是可爱极了。”等等。Your kid was really an amiability pole.

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电影的主人公是一个可爱的小女孩。Host's Mr. of movie is a little girl of amiability.

对于她的亲戚和朋友来说,她体现为忠诚与友善。To her relatives and her friends, she personified loyalty and amiability.

他的和蔼可亲使他经常处于倾听他人诉苦的地位。His amiability condemns him to being a constant listener to other people's troubles.

美丽可爱的维吾尔族姑娘和善良的小伙子。The Uigur minority miss of the beauty amiability kind and genial and good young man.

伯爵说,丹尼洛什么话也没有说,只是羞怯地流露出天真、温顺而愉快的微笑。Danilo said nothing, but he shyly smiled a smile of childlike sweetness and amiability.

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这个世界因真诚而可爱,因为有爱才完整。This world because of sincerity but amiability , because of having a love just complete.

美国给我的最初印象是国土美丽和人民友好。My first Impression about America is the beauty of its land and the amiability of its people.

我是一个安静、可爱的小女生,和同学们相处得也十分融洽。I am one is peaceful, my daughter of amiability living, getting along with the classmates also very harmonious.

鲁斯蒂奇尼没有感到不安。虽然他亲切友好,但却是非常乐于考虑不受欢迎的可能性。Rustichini is not perturbed. For all his amiability , he is quite content to contemplate unwelcome possibilities.

配制免振捣混凝土的关键是掺加能增强混凝土和易性的外加剂。The key of compounding avoid vibration concrete is to mix the addition agent that can strength concrete amiability.

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大家放肆愉快的谈笑着,我扭过头静静的看着身边小诗可爱的脸庞。Everyone unbridled delectation's talking smiles, I twist amplify voicelessly looking at beside small poem of the face of amiability.

你们是那么的可爱,我的加入,从此不再觉得屏幕是自己的,让我觉得走到哪里都有你的笑声。The amiability that you are so, I join, no longer feeling that screen is own from now on, letting me feel to walk to where all have your laughter.

在中国的所到之处我们都感受到了中国人民的亲切和友好,尤其是在富平陶艺村陶坊创作期间。The kindness and amiability received from Chinese people wherever we go, mainly during working hours, in the ceramics factory in Fuping Village, is great.

如果是使用俏皮可爱的球形手花,可以把它当成手提包一样提在左手上,或者挂在左手手腕上。If is the spheroid change hands that uses sarcastic amiability to spend, can chase it is into handbag similar withdraw on the left hand, or hang at the left hand of wrist up.

这让我意识到白酒不会被更新的酒类所超越,而是白酒将作为权力、传统和友好的象征维持其地位。What this suggests to me is not that baijiu is bound to be overtaken by newer products, but that it will maintain its standing as a stronghold of power, tradition, and amiability.

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她能使每个接触她的人受到鼓励、感到温暖,使人们感到整个生命存在的真实感。Her sincerity and honesty, amiability and approachability is shocking everyone, from which, people could be encouraged, feel sense of warmth, and feel sense of reality of the existence of life.