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唯派尔如何修复心动过缓?。How does V-Power improve bradycardia?

当心脏跳动太慢,它被称为心搏过缓。When the heart beats too slowly, it is called bradycardia.

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窦性心动过缓是心率低于60次。Sinus bradycardia occurs when the heart rate falls below60.

窦性心动过缓是心率低于60次。Sinus bradycardia occurs when the heart rate falls below 60.

窦性心动过缓是个利于明显心衰发生的因子?Is sinus bradycardia a factor facilitating overt heart failure?

目的观察安福尔胶囊治疗心络瘀阻、心神不宁型室性早搏的临床疗效和安全性。Objective To observe the effect of Andyer capsule in treatment of sinus bradycardia.

探讨窦性心动过缓简便的药物治疗方法。Objective To explore the simple and convenient pharmacotherapy for sinus bradycardia.

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两组中低血压和心动过缓发生的频率是没有区别的。There was no difference in the frequency of hypotension or bradycardia between the groups.

复苏后出现顽固性心动过缓时,应尽快使用起搏器。A pre-set pacemaker is useful in the control of post-resuscitative intractable bradycardia.

结论甲亢可影响窦房结功能使其心动过缓。Conclusion Hyperthyroidism presenting as bradycardia is related to the sinoatrial node function.

目的总结老年人心绞痛伴反复发作心动过缓的起搏器治疗经验。Objective To summary experience of pacing treatment on angina pectoris companied by bradycardia.

目的总结冠心病心绞痛伴反复发作的心动过缓的起搏器治疗经验。Objective To summary experience of pacing treatment bradycardia in the company of angina pectoris.

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严重心动过缓或心脏停搏的发生率随剂量增大而增加。The incidence of remarkable bradycardia or temporary cardiac arrest increased by incremental doses.

本脉冲发生器可提供“室性再同步的双腔心动过缓的起搏治疗”。The pulse generator provides dual-chamber bradycardia pacing with ventricular resynchronization therapy.

在亚低温治疗过程中未出现心律不齐、严重心动过缓等合并症状。Cardiac arrhythmia, bradycardia or other serious symptoms were not observed during the process of hypothermia.

有异常症状与不稳定生命徵象的心缓,增快心率的药物输注可以为起博的第二选择。Chronotropic drug infusions are recommended as an alternative to pacing in symptomatic and unstable bradycardia.

强调从麻醉诱导至体外循环建立之前,防止并及时纠正舒张压过低及心动过缓。Blood pressure as well as pulse rate should be carefully controlled, to avoid blood pressure fluctuation and bradycardia.

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此类患者睡眠时呼吸受阻,长期持续发作可能并发心动过缓或房颤。This disorder, in which your breathing is interrupted during sleep, can cause bradycardia and bursts of atrial fibrillation.

由心动过缓引发的症状治疗无效时会导致死亡,但是,这样的情况也相当容易预防——看医生就得嘞!If symptomatic bradycardia goes untreated, it could lead to death, but that's easy enough to prevent–just go see your doctor.

目的观察胺碘酮对老年心动过缓伴室性早搏的临床疗效。Objective To detect the therapeutic effect of amiodarone on the elderly with sinus bradycardia and premature ventricular complexes.