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林肯射杀了舒特。Lincoln shoots Sooter.

亚伯拉罕-林肯出生了。Abrahan lincoln was born.

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“我们已手到擒来,”林肯说。"We had them, " Lincoln said.

卡奈基音乐厅,林肯中心。Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center.

用亚伯拉罕·林肯平静的车厢。The Abraham Lincoln lown cars.

第一只直立行走的猴子,后来与汤姆.布罗考和亚伯拉罕.林肯一起编写年鉴的人。Tom Brokaw and Abraham Lincoln.

它是'83林肯大陆型。It's an '83 Lincoln Continental.

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林肯总统出身贫窭。President Lincoln was born poor.

林肯总统出身清贫。President Lincoln was born barren,.

亚拉伯罕林肯总统异常震怒。President Abraham Lincoln was angry.

林肯开得起玩笑?Lincoln Was Able to Joke about Hinself?

这就是亚伯拉罕·林肯的信念。That’s what Abraham Lincoln understood.

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但林肯先生被一枚子弹射伤了。But Mr. Lincoln was wounded by a bullet.

林肯和巴利克走过了一些管道。Lincoln and Bellick through some piping.

哪一站最靠近林肯中心?Which stop is closest to Lincoln Center?

阿伯拉罕·林肯对奴隶制嫉恨如仇。Abraham Lincoln was the enemy of slavery.

世卫组织总干事李钟郁博士说,“在他的专业领域,林肯∙陈博士是一名领导者。Dr Lincoln Chen is a leader in his field.

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Lincoln揉揉惺忪的睡眼,半眯着眼睛看了看他。Lincoln squints and rubs his bleary eyes.

林肯是著名的伟大的解放者。Lincoln is known as the Great Emancipator.

林肯因盖底斯堡演说而闻名于世。Lincoln was known for his Getisbug speech.