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京基陶瓷将积极把握市场,以卓越的品质面向市场,闪放光彩!We shall keep our hold on the market with superexcellent quality and shine out our brilliance.

但目前这种市场行情在张帆眼中却是个绝佳的投资机会。But at present this kind of market level is in make sail eye is a superexcellent investment opportunity however.

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成立7年多以来,腾讯一直以追求卓越的技术为导向,始终处于稳健、高速发展的状态。Striving for superexcellent technology-oriented for over 7-year, Tencent keep steady developing space in high speed.

质量的概念已从符合性质量、适用性质量、满意性质量上升为卓越质量。The quality concept is developed from confirmative quality, applicable quality and satisfied quality to superexcellent quality.

目前卫生间已从单一的“清洁、方便”之处,变成了放松自我、轻松休憩的绝佳场所。At present toilet already from onefold " clean, convenient " place, became the superexcellent place that loosens ego, relaxed have a rest.

可以在靠窗处放张简单的书桌,阳台就变成工作、书写、阅读的绝佳场所。Piece of simple desk can be put in place relying on a window, the balcony becomes the job, book to write, reading is superexcellent place.

“卓越的技术,贴心的服务”,是嘉铭仁始终不渝的经营宗旨,“每一天追求做到更好”是嘉铭仁坚定不移的信念。"Superexcellent technology, careful service" is the constant management tenet of the Kovan. "Do better and better everyday" is Kovan's forever faith.

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同事中,能力卓越者、攻于心计者、溜须拍马者,强于我的更是不胜其数,自己现在已沦为一个跑龙套的。During my colleagues, there are so many superexcellent ones, trickish ones, adulatory ones, who are doing better than me, and I have fallen to a walk-on.

MIKIMOTO御木本的珠宝首饰亮丽出众,是向亲友表达爱意和谢意的绝佳礼物。MIKIMOTO drive wood this gem headgear is bright beautiful conspicuous, it is the superexcellent gift that expresses love and gratitude to relatives and friends.

洗面盆台面采用深咖啡色的木质材料,是强调自然感觉的整体色调绝佳的搭配。Mesa of the basin that wash a face uses the woodiness data of deep coffee, it is the collocation with the tonal and superexcellent whole that stresses natural feeling.