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突出的后脑,拱形的头顶。Prominent nuchal crest. Domed skull.

此外,其他非三体异常可能也表明扩大颈部透明度。Further, other, non-trisomic abnormalities may also demonstrate an enlarged nuchal transparency.

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这使得测量颈部透明作为一种潜在的有用的第一孕期筛检工具。This leaves the measurement of nuchal transparency as a potentially useful 1st trimester screening tool.

颈背扫描完成11至14周的妊娠,因为最好的准确性是在这个时期。Nuchal scan is performed between 11 and 14 weeks of gestation, because the accuracy is best in this period.

我们在此报告两病例,临床皆以头痛、癫痫发作及颈部僵硬来表现。We report two cases in which the initial signs and symptoms were headache, seizure attack, and nuchal rigidity.

方法于孕11-14周测量胎儿颈项透明层厚度,并随诊观察。Methods Fetal nuchal translucency thickness was measured between 11-14 weeks of gestation with serial follow-up ultrasound examinations.

在胎儿与正常数目的染色体,一个较厚的颈部半透明是与其他胎儿缺陷和遗传综合徵。In foetuses with a normal number of chromosomes, a thicker nuchal translucency is associated with other fetal defects and genetic syndromes.

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所以在这个时候任何异常造成积水可能看起来正确,可以使自己不被发现的颈部扫描。So after this time any abnormalities causing fluid accumulation may seem to correct themselves and can thus go undetected by nuchal scanning.

在颈部扫描有助于医生估计风险有唐氏综合徵胎儿的缺陷或其他更准确地比母亲年龄孤单。The nuchal scan helps doctors to estimate the risk of the fetus having Down syndrome or other defects more accurately than by maternal age alone.

P45生物塑化薄片技术的应用使项韧带精细解剖结构的全貌更直观。The adoption of P45 sheet plastination technique makes the complete appearance of the fine anatomic structure of human nuchal ligament more obvious.

这些结果提示半月板样结构的实质是滑膜的皱折,其受损可能是颈项痛的原因之一。The results suggested that the nature of the meniscoid structures was the synovial fold and its entrapment or breakage might be one of the causes for nuchal pain.

它的头部长有十根和身体一样长或更长的触须,另外还有六对弯曲的颈器使它具有了味觉和嗅觉。Ten tentacles as long or longer than its body stick out of its head, along with six pairs of curved nuchal organs that allow the squidworm to taste and smell underwater.

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主要临床表现是发热、惊厥、呕吐、精神萎靡、凝视、前囱饱满、颈抵抗、病理反射阳性等。Clinical manifestations were mainly such symptoms as fever, convulsion, vomitting, spiritlessness, gaze, bulging quadrangular fontanel and nuchal vigidity. The pathological reflex was positive.