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折磨我吧!Torture me!

总之不要折磨我!Don't torture me!

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这简直便是熬煎。This is simply torture.

它是一种施刑工具。It is a form of torture.

这简直就是折磨。This is simply torture.

我准备折磨你。I'm going to torture you.

刑讯逼供是有报应的。Torture has consequences.

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求求你不要折磨我!Please,please,don't torture me!

这就是我禁止酷刑的原因。That is why I prohibited torture.

但你没法从酷刑中得到它。But you don't get it from torture.

如果你不能享受它,那跑步就是一场彻头彻尾的折磨。If you do not enjoy it is torture.

得不到任何其他的答案简直是一种折磨啊。To not have any answers is torture.

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难道折磨我一人不够解恨。Is't not enough to torture me alone.

这曾是一间拷问房”卡迈尔说著。"It was a torture room, " Kamel says.

这份供词是严刑逼供得来的。The confession was made under torture.

性病是一件很磨人的事。It is a torture to have chronic disease.

所以用刑也是这个过程的一部分。So torture is also part of this process.

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他知道这对她也是一种折磨。He knows this is torture for her as well.

但我没有任何酷刑故事来和你们分享。I don't have any torture stories to share.

谁把某个人描述成酷刑的歌颂者?Described someone as a eulogist of torture?