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阿波罗是太阳神。Apollo was me sun-god.

佩戴花环的阿波罗神。And garlanded Apollo goes.

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如果你是达芙妮,我就是你的阿波罗。If you are Dafne, I'm your Apollo.

场面转到雨龙和阿波罗。Scene changed to Ishida and Apollo.

这是不可能的,我向阿波罗发誓。It's not possible. I swear by Apollo.

阿波罗歌唱,缪斯把弹琴。Apollo sings, the Muses tune the lyre.

阿波罗是月神和诗神。Apollo was the god of music and poetry.

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在空中,准确地说是在阿波罗号上。In the air, precisely in the Apollo on.

就从阿波罗剧院边上穿过去,Right across beside the Apollo Theater,

阿波罗11号指令舱,命名为哥伦比亚。Apollo 11 Command Module, named Columbia.

法厄同是阿波罗与克里敏尼生的儿子。Phaeton was the son of Apollo by Clymene.

丘比特被阿波罗这么一说,心里很不服气。Cupid was Apollo so say, heart unconvinced.

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海辛瑟斯喜欢为阿波罗做事。Hyacinthus enjoyed doing things for Apollo.

很久以前,阿波罗是太阳神,伊洛斯是爱神。A long time ago, Apollo was the god of light.

阿森纽斯仿佛在驾驶阿波罗一号。Arsenius drove like he was piloting Apollo One.

她留下了孩子赫拉二世和阿波罗二世。She left Hera II and Apollo II as her children.

这是哥伦比亚,阿波罗11号指令舱。This is Columbia, the Apollo 11 command module.

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你父亲对阿波罗11号的看法是什么?What was your father's perspective on Apollo 11?

法厄同是阿波罗和水泽仙女克吕墨思所生的儿子。Phaethon was the son of Apollo and the nymph Clymene.

在那里,她生下了阿波罗和阿尔忒弥斯这对双胞胎。There she gave birth to the twins, Apollo and Artemis.