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交通流畅的陆桥。Vehicular overpasses help move traffic.

此路不准车辆通行。This road is closed to vehicular traffic.

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这位奥斯卡最佳编剧奖获得者被控过失杀人。The Oscar-winning scribe was charged with vehicular manslaughter.

这次袭击事件导致当局决定禁止大多数机动车辆进入该地区。The attacks caused the closure of the area to most vehicular traffic.

司徒拔道天桥将临时封闭,禁止所有车辆行驶。Stubbs Road Flyover will be temporarily closed to all vehicular traffic.

轮胎,引擎,车身以及坐椅都是一辆汽车的零部件。Tires- the engine- the body- and the seats are component of a vehicular.

从2004年1月1日起,北京五环路停止车辆通行收费。From January 1, 2004, Beijing Olympic Road stop vehicular traffic charges.

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室内地坪上要有带车辆通道的装卸区?A dropping area shall be provided in the house with vehicular access at grade.

当地官员已经封锁了爆炸现场,并且禁止所有车辆出入巴古拜。Local officials have sealed off the blast site, and all vehicular access to Baquba.

后来才知道,这名暴徒是一名来自佛罗里达的车祸过失致死案的缓刑犯。It later turned out he was on felony probation from Florida for vehicular manslaughter.

与车辆运输形式一样,校车涉及的交通意外是不可避免的。Like any form of vehicular transportation, accidents involving school buses are inevitable.

据库马尔说,使用液化天然气开车能大幅减少汽车排放。According to Kumar, operating vehicles with LNG would reduce vehicular emissions considerably.

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步行和乘坐车辆前往医院的平均时间分别为237和61分钟。Median pedestrian and vehicular travel times to hospital were 237 and 61 minutes, respectively.

辟设行人专用区对附近一带来往车辆和大厦送货服务的影响。Impact of pedestrianisation on vehicular traffic in the vicinity and the servicing of buildings.

它包含两条各14米宽的机动车道,和两条各4米宽的自行车、手推车车道。It contains two motorized vehicular lanes of 14 m each, and two bicycle and cart lanes of 4 m each.

车辆减速策略与跟驰车距具有相互制约的关系。There is mutual restriction between vehicular deceleration strategies and its safe following distance.

图示车祸对头部造成大范围钝性损伤的病变。The lesions seen here are the result of extensive blunt force trauma to the head in a vehicular accident.

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本文提出了一个车用增压柴油机工作过程仿真的平均值模型。A mean value model for simulating working process of a vehicular turbocharged dies-el engine is developed.

最后一个与警卫队开火的事件与一名打算开车杀人的暴徒有关。Another felon caused the final shooting incident involving Guardsmen when he attempted vehicular homicide.

这个设计要求在每个方向有三条交通车道和一条单线铁路线。The design requirements were for three lanes of vehicular traffic and a single rail line in each direction.