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最基本的问题是双重的。The basic problem is twofold.

大坝的作用的双重的。The purpose of a dam is twofold.

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这个项目可谓是“一箭双雕”。The goal of the project is twofold.

这项研究的结果是双重的。The upshots of this work are twofold.

所以来自未来的信息是双重的。So my message from the future is twofold.

这种负面影响基本上是双重的。The negative effect is basically twofold.

这种限制的意图是双重的。The intent of this restriction was twofold.

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配置一个防火墙的关键有两个The key to configuring a firewall is twofold

近几年来,电视机的价格下降了两倍。The price of TVs are twofold down over these years.

条件所提供的功能是双重的。The functionality conditions provide you is twofold.

Hvistendahl女士与众不同的贡献有两层。Ms Hvistendahl's distinctive contribution is twofold.

五重,三重和两重螺旋对称轴。And fivefold, threefold and twofold axes of rotational symmetry.

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中华胜景数不尽,中原名川两重天。The Chinese beautiful scenery are countless, old name Sichuan twofold day.

英语的国际化开始导致一种英语本身和各国语言两败俱伤的状况。The internationalization of English has begun to provoke a twofold enervation.

如果认可这一双重目标,拉斯托普钦的任何行动都是无可非议的。If this twofold aim is admitted, every act of Rastoptchin's appears irreproachable.

2003至2007年间由于司机造成的机动车辆碰撞增加了两倍。Motor vehicle collisions caused by drivers increased twofold between 2003 and 2007.

介绍一种利用门与光双重控制的自动照明开关。Recommends an automatic lighting switch in twofold controls by between the door and light.

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复式记账法的基本原理是每笔交易都有借贷双方。The basic principle of double entry bookkeeping is that every transaction has a twofold effect.

在复式簿记系统下,要记录各笔交易的双重影响。Under the double-entry bookkeeping system, the twofold effect of every transaction is recorded.

我以为我们延安的许多促进会,有两个意义。I think our numerous meetings in Yenan to promote constitutional government have a twofold purpose.